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Off-resonance saturation as an MRI method to quantify mineral- iron in the post-mortem brain
How 217 pediatric intensivists manage anemia at PICU discharge
Administration of Intravenous Iron Formulations Induces Complement Activation in-vivo
Postmortem T-2* - Weighted MRI Imaging of Cortical Iron Reflects Severity of Alzheimer's Disease
Postmortem T-2* - Weighted MRI Imaging of Cortical Iron Reflects Severity of Alzheimer's Disease
Cortical Iron Reflects Severity of Alzheimer's Disease
Iron in deep brain nuclei in migraine? CAMERA follow-up MRI findings
Trends in haemoglobin, erythropoietin-stimulating agents and iron use in Swedish chronic kidney disease patients between 2008 and 2013
Stabilization of the Low-Spin State in a Mononuclear Iron(II) Complex and High-Temperature Cooperative Spin Crossover Mediated by Hydrogen Bonding
An automated tool for cortical feature analysis: Application to differences on 7 Tesla T-2(*)-weighted images between young and older healthy subjects
Comparison of Histological Techniques to Visualize Iron in Paraffin-embedded Brain Tissue of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease