Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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An integrated single-cell RNA-seq atlas of the mouse hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus links transcriptomic and functional types
Changes of hypocretin (orexin) system in schizophrenia
Role of brown adipose tissue in adiposity associated with narcolepsy type 1
Heterogeneity in the circadian and homeostatic modulation of multiunit activity in the lateral hypothalamus
The effect of consumption temperature on the homeostatic and hedonic responses to glucose ingestion in the hypothalamus and the reward system
The effect of consumption temperature on the homeostatic and hedonic responses to glucose ingestion in the hypothalamus and the reward system
The anterior hypothalamus in cluster headache
Regulation of brown fat by AMP-activated protein kinase
Spatial and temporal expression of immunoglobulin superfamily member 1 in the rat
Hypothalamic BOLD response to glucose intake and hypothalamic volume are similar in anorexia nervosa and healthy control subjects
Hypothalamic Alterations in Huntington's Disease Patients: Comparison with Genetic Rodent Models
Sympathetic nervous system control of triglyceride metabolism: novel concepts derived from recent studies
Neuropeptide Alterations in the Infundibular Nucleus of Huntington's Disease Patients
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Neuropeptide Expression in Patients with Huntington's Disease
Paraventricular Nucleus Neuropeptide Expression in Huntington's Disease Patients
Functional Increase of Brain Histaminergic Signaling in Huntington's Disease
Diurnal Secretion Profiles of Growth Hormone, Thyrotrophin and Prolactin in Parkinson's Disease