Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Determination and characterization of patient subgroups based on pain trajectories in hand osteoarthritis
TNF inhibitor treatment is associated with a lower risk of hand osteoarthritis progression in rheumatoid arthritis patients after 10 years
Validity, reliability, responsiveness and feasibility of four hand mobility measures in hand osteoarthritis
Using a reference when defining an abnormal MRI reduces false-positive MRI results-a longitudinal study in two cohorts at risk for rheumatoid arthritis
The comparison of magnetic resonance imaging and radiographs to assess structural progression over 5 years in hand osteoarthritis
Magnetic resonance imaging-detected inflammation is associated with functional disability in early arthritis-results of a cross-sectional study
Coping styles and disability in patients with hand osteoarthritis
RNA sequencing reveals a depletion of collagen targeting microRNAs in Dupuytren's disease