Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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The evaluation of a family-engagement approach to increase physical activity, healthy nutrition, and well-being in children and their parents
How doctors actually (do not) involve families in decisions to continue or discontinue life-sustaining treatment in neonatal, pediatric, and adult intensive care
Family matters: a genealogical inquiry into the familial component of longevity
The technological utopia
Rethinking the family in the context of care for adolescents living with HIV in Swaziland
Prevalence of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations in First-Degree Relatives of Patients With a Brain Arteriovenous Malformation
Family history of alcohol dependence and gray matter abnormalities in non-alcoholic adults
Not just a victim: the child as catalyst and witness of contemporary Africa
Religion, reciprocity and restructuring family responsibility in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora
The impact of labour migration on the Swazi rural homestead as solidarity group
Family law in Sierra Leone: a research report