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Transforming innovations in Africa: explorative studies on appropriation in African societies
Movers and shakers: social movements in Africa
Mobile phones: the new talking drums of everyday Africa
One Zambia, many histories: towards a history of post-colonial Zambia
Fighting over Crumbs? Small valleys in West Africa as a new locus of land claims
Competing jurisdictions: settling land claims in Africa
Situating globality: African agency in the appropriation of global culture
Les chefs royaux nkoya et l'association culturelle Kazanga en Zambie: résistance, déclin ou folklorisation de la fonction du chef traditionnel?
Merchants, missionaries & migrants: 300 years of Dutch-Ghanaian relations
Epilogue: after the count
'Fresh Killings': The Njoro and Laikipia violence in the 1997 Kenyan election aftermath
Observing and analysing the 1997 general election: an introduction
Conclusion: Culture, resources and development in the Kenya Coast
The experience with land settlement
The organization of elections in federal Ethiopia: Retrospect and prospect
Stability or democracy: on the role of monitors, media and miracles
The Kenya Coast in national perspective
Introduction: Rethinking democratization and election observation
Food consumption and nutrition
