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Low transforming growth factor-beta pathway activity in cervical adenocarcinomas
SUCCOR cone study
Radical hysterectomy in early cervical cancer in Europe
Adjuvant systemic therapy after chemoradiation and brachytherapy for locally advanced cervical cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Cervical cancer screening among marginalized women
Efficacy and toxicity of postoperative external beam radiotherapy or chemoradiation for early-stage cervical cancer
Fertility-sparing surgery of cervical cancer >2 cm (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics 2009 stage IB1-IIA) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy
MGL Ligand Expression Is Correlated to Lower Survival and Distant Metastasis in Cervical Squamous Cell and Adenosquamous Carcinoma
Reliable identification of women with CIN3+using hrHPV genotyping and methylation markers in a cytology-screened referral population
Effect of Productive Human Papillomavirus 16 Infection on Global Gene Expression in Cervical Epithelium
Role of deformable image registration for delivered dose accumulation of adaptive external beam radiation therapy and brachytherapy in cervical cancer
Sexual distress and associated factors among cervical cancer survivors: A cross-sectional multicenter observational study
L1 cell adhesion molecule (L1CAM) is a strong predictor for locoregional recurrences in cervical cancer
Autocrine expression of the epidermal growth factor receptor ligand heparin-binding EGF-like growth factor in cervical cancer
TLR2 ligand-synthetic long peptide conjugates effectively stimulate tumor-draining lymph node T cells of cervical cancer patients
Beam configuration selection for robust intensity-modulated proton therapy in cervical cancer using Pareto front comparison
Cervical cancer cell-derived interleukin-6 impairs CCR7-dependent migration of MMP-9-expressing dendritic cells
The Need for Improvement of the Treatment of Advanced and Metastatic Cervical Cancer, the Rationale for Combined Chemo-Immunotherapy
Tumor-infiltrating CD14-positive myeloid cells and CD8-positive T-cells prolong survival in patients with cervical carcinoma
Role of IL-12p40 in cervical carcinoma
