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De fining a metrologically traceable and sustainable calibration hierarchy of international normalized ratio for monitoring of vitamin K antagonist treatment in accordance with International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17511:2020 standard
Lessons learnt when accounting for competing events in the external validation of time-to-event prognostic models
Development, construction, and validation of a thinner uniplanar calibration cage for radiostereometry
External validations of cardiovascular clinical prediction models: a large-scale review of the literature
Estimation of required sample size for external validation of risk models for binary outcomes
Sudden cardiac death prediction in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy
Construction and assessment of prediction rules for binary outcome in the presence of missing predictor data using multiple imputation and cross-validation
Multicenter external validation of the Liverpool uveal melanoma prognosticator online
Impact of predictor measurement heterogeneity across settings on the performance of prediction models: A measurement error perspective
International collaborative study for the calibration of proposed International Standards for thromboplastin, rabbit, plain, and for thromboplastin, recombinant, human, plain