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ISMRM Open Science Initiative for Perfusion Imaging (OSIPI)
Lower cerebral blood flow predicts cognitive decline in patients with vascular cognitive impairment
Arterial spin labeling using spatio-temporal encoding readout for robust perfusion imaging in inhomogenous magnetic fields
Arterial spin labeling signal in the CSF
Arterial spin labeling signal in the CSF
Recent Technical Developments in ASL: A Review of the State of the Art
Microvascular response to exercise varies along the length of the tibialis anterior muscle
Velocity-selective arterial spin labeling perfusion MRI: A review of the state of the art and recommendations for clinical implementation
Validation of the estimation of the macrovascular contribution in multi-timepoint arterial spin labeling MRI using a 2-component kinetic model
Optimized cervical spinal cord perfusion MRI after traumatic injury in the rat
Feasibility of velocity-selective arterial spin labeling in breast cancer patients for noncontrast-enhanced perfusion imaging
Brain metabolism in tau and amyloid mouse models of Alzheimer's disease: An MRI study
Time-encoded golden angle radial arterial spin labeling
Exploring label dynamics of velocity-selective arterial spin labeling in the kidney
Multi-organ comparison of flow-based arterial spin labeling techniques
Combining T-2 measurements and crusher gradients into a single ASL sequence for comparison of the measurement of water transport across the blood-brain barrier
Influence of labeling parameters and respiratory motion on velocity-selective arterial spin labeling for renal perfusion imaging
Quantification of cerebral perfusion and cerebrovascular reserve using Turbo-QUASAR arterial spin labeling MRI
High temporal resolution arterial spin labeling MRI with whole-brain coverage by combining time-encoding with Look-Locker and simultaneous multi-slice imaging
Acceleration of vessel-selective dynamic MR Angiography by pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling in combination with Acquisition of ConTRol and labEled images in the Same Shot (ACTRESS)
