Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Association between adolescent oral contraceptive use and future major depressive disorder
Emotions and the psychosocial development of children with and without developmental langauge disorder
A three-wave longitudinal study of subcortical-cortical resting-state connectivity in adolescence: Testing age- and puberty-related changes
The link: An alternative educational program in the Netherlands to reengage school-refusing adolescents with schooling
Depressive symptoms and emotion regulation strategies in children with and without developmental language disorder: a longitudinal study
Longitudinal structural brain development and externalizing behavior in adolescence
Screening for psychosis risk among adolescents in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services: a description of the first step with the 16-item version of the Prodromal Questionnaire (PQ-16)
Friends in high places: a dyadic perspective on peer status as predictor of friendship quality and the mediating role of empathy and prosocial behavior
Adolescent Antisocial Behavior Explained by Combining Stress-Related Parameters
Research Review: The effectiveness of multidimensional family therapy in treating adolescents with multiple behavior problems - a meta-analysis
Peers and parents: a comparison between neural activation when winning for friends and mothers in adolescence
Effects of adolescent socio-cognitive development on the cortisol response to social evaluation
Mifepristone treatment during early adolescence fails to restore maternal deprivation-induced deficits in behavioral inhibition of adult male rats
Frontostriatal white matter integrity predicts development of delay of gratification: A longitudinal study
Neural correlates of prosocial peer influence on public goods game donations during adolescence
Complex living conditions impair behavioral inhibition but improve attention in rats
Short fused? Associations between white matter connections, sex steroids, and aggression across adolescence
Amygdala activation during emotional face processing in adolescents with affective disorders: the role of underlying depression and anxiety symptoms
Longitudinal Associations Between Depressive Problems, Academic Performance, and Social Functioning in Adolescent Boys and Girls
