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Sayyids, Tribal Kinship, and the Imamate in Zaydi Yemen under Imam Yaḥyā Sharaf al-Dīn (d. 965/1558)
The lords of Kawkabān and the transformation of the state in Early Modern Yemen (15th–17th centuries)
Early modern state development in Yemen
Review of Messick, B. (2018) Sharīʿa Scripts: a historical anthropology
The Political Power of Proxies: Why Nonstate Actors Use Local Surrogates
Unveiling parenting in Yemen : a study on maternal parenting practices in slums in Yemen
Shifting sands of writing inks in Yemen. The occurrence of sparkling particles in Yemeni manuscripts
La datation paléographique des inscriptions sudarabiques du Ier millénaire avant J.-C. : méthode et limites
The Kanit Museum Collection (Yemen)
The Southern Movement in Yemen
Migrant Domestics and Religious Closeness in Yemen
Pioneers or Pawns? Women Health Workers in Yemen
Capacity Building Workshops in Yemen & Tanzania
Sounding Board Meetings in Yemen
Regional Cooperation of Urban Conservation in the Middle East
The Entrenchment of 'Non-Sectarian' Sunnism in Yemen
Informing Terminally ill Patients in Yemen