Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Composition for voices
Consensus for voice quality assessment in clinical practice
Long-term functional outcomes in tumour stage T-2 glottic carcinoma after radiotherapy
Long-term functional outcomes in tumour stage T2 glottic carcinoma after radiotherapy
Voice and little v and VO-OV word-order variation in Chinese languages
Raise is rise+v (rather than rise+Voice)
Union of the European Phoniatricians' position statement on the exit strategy of phoniatric and laryngological services
Accuracy of thyroid cartilage fenestration during Montgomery medialization thyroplasty
Measurement properties of self-report questionnaires on health-related quality of life and functional health status in dysphonia: a systematic review using the COSMIN taxonomy
Active versus middle perfect in Homeric Greek
Finding one’s own voice as an indigenous filmmaker
Foreword: rethinking perspectives in typology
Grenzen van het hoorbare: over de meerstemmigheid van het lichaam
The Effect of Oxandrolone on Voice Frequency in Growth Hormone-Treated Girls With Turner Syndrome
Oxandrolone in growth hormone-treated girls with Turner syndrome
Disease outcome in T1 glottic carcinoma