This Malian case study joins an expanding body of literature that challenges prevailing state-centred and institutional approaches to both political authority and legitimacy. In contrast with... Show moreThis Malian case study joins an expanding body of literature that challenges prevailing state-centred and institutional approaches to both political authority and legitimacy. In contrast with classical representations of the state as the hierarchically supreme institutional locus of political authority in society, a heterarchical political order gradually emerged in Mali. The state increasingly operated as one of the institutions amongst many non-state equals involved in the exercise of public authority and performance of key statehood functions. The first part of this thesis reveals that the Malian state increasingly relied on non-state actors to counter recurrent security threats. The core part of this case study demonstrates that prominent democratic institutions have not enhanced Malian state legitimacy as expected from their official mandates and in ways predicted by theory. Quite to the contrary, the democratic structure seems to have actually weakened the position of the state vis-à-vis non-state power poles in Mali’s heterarchical context. Show less
Many European countries have been the target of jihadist terrorist attacks between 2015 and 2017. While the chance of becoming a victim of a terrorist attack is low, terrorism scholars have... Show moreMany European countries have been the target of jihadist terrorist attacks between 2015 and 2017. While the chance of becoming a victim of a terrorist attack is low, terrorism scholars have emphasized that terrorism does not revolve around statistics and casualty numbers. Terrorists use attacks to reach an audience and affect groups beyond the direct victims. To this date, little is known about how terrorist attacks might affect the salience of terrorism beyond national borders. This paper investigates possible convergence of issue salience of terrorism among citizens within the European Union for ten jihadist attacks in the period 2015–2017 using Eurobarometer survey data. The results indicate that it is not simply a question of convergence or divergence of salience of terrorism after a terrorist attack. The connection is multidirectional and depending upon a variety of factors. Most importantly, we observed convergence on the EU-level, but divergence on the national level. This raises important questions about the transnationality of the effects of terrorism. As this research does not test nor find a causal mechanism and is solely dependent on existing data, further research is necessary to test some of its findings. Show less
Since the 1980s, a migration has started from the Japanese community in Brazil "back" to Japan. This movement has been studied in recent publications as an interesting example of "return migration"... Show moreSince the 1980s, a migration has started from the Japanese community in Brazil "back" to Japan. This movement has been studied in recent publications as an interesting example of "return migration". This dissertation is based on interviews with migrants of the first and second generation, conducted between 2003 and 2010 in Kandatsu and surroundings. This ethnographic field research shows that the concept of “return” does not properly describe the migration of Japanese Brazilians to Japan, because it is rather a circular movement between the two countries. Moreover, it appears that the identity of these people is an ambivalent dynamic and strategic entity. The study provides important information about the motivation of the migrants, their experiences in Japan, and the challenges they face within and outside the family. It is a very heterogeneous group. Differences in cultural background, appearance, affinity with Japanese culture and Japanese language skills are decisive for the integration process. Within this process migrants handle different strategies that ultimately lead either to a permanent establishment in Japan or a decision to return temporarily or permanently to Brazil. Crucial to the integration process is the success of the Japanese-Brazilian children in Japanese schools. Show less
Dit boek gaat over de relatie tussen de Marokkaanse overheid en Marokkaanse Nederlanders. Het perspectief van Marokkaanse Nederlanders staat hierin centraal. Wat zijn hun percepties over,... Show moreDit boek gaat over de relatie tussen de Marokkaanse overheid en Marokkaanse Nederlanders. Het perspectief van Marokkaanse Nederlanders staat hierin centraal. Wat zijn hun percepties over, ervaringen met en reacties op de zogenaamde ‘lange arm’ van Marokko?De Marokkaanse overheid voert actief beleid om banden te onderhouden met Marokkaanse Nederlanders; er is een Marokkaans ministerie van Marokkanen in het Buitenland, Stichting Hassan II organiseert zomerreizen naar Marokko en de overheid heeft programma’s om investeerders met een Marokkaanse achtergrond te begeleiden bij ondernemingen in Marokko. Deze relatie is in Nederland onderwerp van discussie, omdat ze als problematisch wordt ervaren. Er bestaat maatschappelijke en politieke onrust over dubbele nationaliteiten en het contact tussen burgers en een vreemde overheid.De Nederlandse discussie richt zich voornamelijk op het optreden van de Marokkaanse overheid. Er is opvallend weinig aandacht voor wat de Marokkaanse Nederlanders hiervan merken en wat zij hiermee doen. Marokkaanse Nederlanders blijven uit beeld of worden voorgesteld als enigszins weerloze ontvangers van de boodschappen en belangen die de Marokkaanse overheid over ze uitspreidt. Dit boek laat zien dat dit beeld onvolledig is: voor de daadwerkelijke uitvoering van het Marokkaanse overheidsbeleid vervullen Marokkaanse Nederlanders zelf een cruciale rol Show less
With a focus on Cameroonian migrants from Pinyin and Mankon who are currently living in Cape Town and the Netherlands, this volume examines the workings of the social fabric of mobile communities.... Show moreWith a focus on Cameroonian migrants from Pinyin and Mankon who are currently living in Cape Town and the Netherlands, this volume examines the workings of the social fabric of mobile communities. It sheds light on how these communities are crafting lives for themselves in the host country and simultaneously linking up with the home country thanks to advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and road and air transport. ICTs and mobilities have complemented social relational interaction and provide migrants today with opportunities to partake in cultural practices that express their Pinyin-ness and Mankon-ness. Pinyin and Mankon migrants are still as rooted in the past as they are in the present. They were born into a community with its own sense of home, moral ethos and cultural pride but live in a context of accelerated ICTs and mobility that is fast changing the way they live their lives Show less
Op 7 mei 2011 publiceerde het NRC Handelsblad een essay van Anil Ramdas, waarin hij zich een overtuigd criticus van het Nederlandse minderhedenbeleid betoonde. Hij verweet de overheid een te grote... Show moreOp 7 mei 2011 publiceerde het NRC Handelsblad een essay van Anil Ramdas, waarin hij zich een overtuigd criticus van het Nederlandse minderhedenbeleid betoonde. Hij verweet de overheid een te grote opdringerigheid in de omgang met de eigen culturen van migranten. Rond de eeuwwisseling, en in het bijzonder na ‘9/11’ en de moord op Theo van Gogh in 2004, was er sprake van een slingerbeweging naar het andere uiterste: ‘de overheid voelt zich nu geroepen om niet de eigen culturen te bevorderen, maar om de eigen culturen te bestrijden!’ In Het Land van Herkomst, waarin de banden van Marokkaanse migranten centraal staan, verklaart Bouras de veranderde houding van de Nederlandse overheid. Ook aan Marokkaanse zijde deden zich verschuivingen voor. Met de analyse van het Marokkaanse emigratiebeleid en levensverhalen van Marokkanen laat Bouras zien dat de aard en de omvang van de banden met Marokko in de periode tusse n 1960 en 2010 bepaald worden door meerdere factoren. Show less
There has been much speculation on the significance of the Tablighi Jama'at, the workings of which remain secretive. The main controversy relates to its stance on political matters. Since its... Show moreThere has been much speculation on the significance of the Tablighi Jama'at, the workings of which remain secretive. The main controversy relates to its stance on political matters. Since its foundation, it has claimed to be completely aloof from politics. However, doubts have been sporadically raised as to the reality of this apolitical position, particularly in Pakistan where some well-known members of the movement were recently involved in the Afghan problem and in internal politics. Show less