Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the mSQUASH into Spanish
Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the ICHOM standard set for stroke
Translation, cultural adaptation and validity assessment of the Dutch version of the eHealth Literacy Questionnaire
Translation, cultural adaptation and validity assessment of the Dutch version of the eHealth Literacy Questionnaire
Coping with rheumatic stressors (CORS) questionnaire
Coping with rheumatic stressors (CORS) questionnaire
Translating the crown jewels
Le traitement de la folie et des passions amoureuses chez les traducteurs et imitateurs français de l’Orlando furioso de l’Arioste (1544-1601)
Een zestiende-eeuwse verstekeling
Deel 1. Tot 1550. Advocaten van de volkstaal
Melodramas of the tongue: Accented speech in literature, art, and theory
Here it is. A Nahuatl translation of European cosmology : context and contents of the Izcatqui manuscript in the Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam
Where are the breaks in translation from theory to clinical practice (and back) in addressing depression? An empirical graph-theoretic approach
Lost in translation: What's in an EC50? Innovative PK/PD reasoning in the drug development context
'De woorden willen alle kanten op'. Cees Nooteboom en het vertalen van poëzie
Validation of the dutch version of the health education impact questionnaire (HEIQ) and comparison of the Dutch translation with the English, German and French HEIQ
Mechanisms controlling mRNA processing and translation: decoding the regulatory layers defining gene expression through RNA sequencing
PKPD relationships and dose rationale in analgesic drug development : towards the prediction of target engagement
