Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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  • (-) = Stress
  • (-) ≠ Perseverative cognitions
  • (-) = Cortisol

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Conditioning cortisol in healthy young women
Functioning of the endocannabinoid system in stress and anxiety in zebrafish larvae
Glucocorticoid receptor modulators
The influence of sleep on human hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis reactivity: A systematic review
Importance of the brain corticosteroid receptor balance in metaplasticity, cognitive performance and neuro-inflammation
Brain mineralocorticoid receptor function in control of salt balance and stress-adaptation
Glucocorticoid signature in a neuronal genomic context
The effect of tryptophan on the cortisol response to social stress is modulated by the 5-HTTLPR genotype
The relationships of working conditions, recent stressors and childhood trauma with salivary cortisol levels
Mineralocorticoid receptor in human brain : a key player in resilience
Mineralocorticoid receptor gene variants : implications for stress, blood pressure and personality
Fading memories : the impact of stress hormones on the retrieval of emotional memories