Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Economic evaluation of pharmacogenomic-guided antiplatelet treatment in Spanish patients suffering from acute coronary syndrome participating in the U-PGx PREPARE study
Public knowledge of intelligence agencies among university students in Spain
Your high and mighty lordships' most humble servants
Italiaanse geschiedschrijvers over de Nederlandse Opstand, 1585-1650: Een transnationale geschiedenis
When Did Nationalism Become Banal? The Nationalization of the Domestic Sphere in Spain
Transnational integration in Europe and the reinvention of industrial policy in Spain
Lodewijck Huygens’ Spanish Journal, 1660-1661: Perceptions of Spain and Confirmation of the Identity of the Dutch Republic
La nacionalización del hogar en España
A More Spanish Spain: The Influence of Tourism on the National Image
Sahara : Spanish Sahara and Spanish West Africa
Sahara : Cabo Juby
Sahara : post 1975 Sahara
Canary Islands
Sahara : Rio de Oro and La Aguera
Guns, culture and moors : racial stereotypes and the cultural impact of the Moroccan participation in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Silk, porcelain and lacquer : China and Japan and their trade with Western Europe and the New World, 1500-1644. A survey of documentary and material evidence
Nationalism Studies between Methodological Nationalism and Orientalism: An Alternative Approach Illustrated with the Case of El Greco in Toledo, Spain
Nationalism Studies between Methodological Nationalism and Orientalism: An Alternative Approach Illustrated with the Case of El Greco in Toledo, Spain
Chinese porcelain and other orientalia and exotica in Spain during the Habsburg dynasty
New Muslim Youth Associations in Spain