Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Stable long-term outcomes after cochlear implantation in subjects with TMPRSS3 associated hearing loss
Cardiovascular risk factors, cerebral small vessel disease, and subsequent risk of stroke in patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss
Speech perception performance in cochlear implant recipients correlates to the number and synchrony of excited auditory nerve fibers derived from electrically evoked compound action potentials
Residual hearing does not influence the effectiveness of beamforming when using a cochlear implant in conjunction with contralateral routing of signals
A closer look at stimulation thresholds and spread of excitation in cochlear implants
The effect of stimulus level on excitation patterns of individual electrode contacts in cochlear implants
Short- and long-latency components of the eCAP reveal different refractory properties
Novel applications of objective measures in cochlear implants
Personalizing transient noise reduction algorithm settings for cochlear implant users
Cost-benefit Analysis of Cochlear Implants: A Societal Perspective
Detection of translocation of cochlear implant electrode arrays by intracochlear impedance measurements
Residual hearing affects contralateral routing of signals in cochlear implant users
SoftVoice improves speech recognition and reduces listening effort in cochlear implant users
An iterative deconvolution model to extract the temporal firing properties of the auditory nerve fibers in human eCAPs
Short and long-term adaptation in the auditory nerve stimulated with high-rate electrical pulse trains are better described by a power law
Unravelling the temporal properties of human eCAPs through an iterative deconvolution model
Evaluation of the outcome of CT and MR imaging in pediatric patients with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss