Carbon Capture and Storage at industrial processes (industrial CCS) is expected to play an important role in reducing industrial CO2 emissions in the short term. Industrial CCS involves capturing... Show moreCarbon Capture and Storage at industrial processes (industrial CCS) is expected to play an important role in reducing industrial CO2 emissions in the short term. Industrial CCS involves capturing CO2 from industrial processes, such as steel and cement making, and storing the CO2 underground. This study examined the public opinion of industrial CCS through an informed opinion survey in the Netherlands (N = 987) and the United Kingdom (UK; N = 974). On average, respondents were neutral to slightly positive about the implementation of industrial CCS in their country. UK respondents were slightly more positive (M = 4.66 on a 7-point scale) than Dutch respondents (M = 4.38). Awareness and perceived knowledge levels were somewhat higher in the Netherlands than in the UK. In both countries, perceived outcomes of industrial CCS (e.g. for climate change; safety; employment) were strongly associated with industrial CCS opinion, when compared to socio-demographics, proximity to industry (actual and perceived), and psychological variables. Differences between countries in outcome perceptions occur. For example, the safety of CO2 transport is a larger concern in the Netherlands than in the UK, while cost-control is a larger concern in the UK than in the Netherlands. These findings suggest that the national context for CCS implementation matters. Our research suggests that public engagement strategies will benefit from focusing on the economic and climate impacts of industrial CCS, as well as from building trust in industry and addressing perceived safety concerns surrounding different aspects of industrial CCS. Show less
Mors, E. ter; Peuchen, R.; Boomsma, G.T.; Jack, C.; Cismaru, D.-M.; Buzoianu, C.; ... ; Shackley, S. 2020
One of the greatest environmental challenges the world is facing today is combating global warming. One of the solutions is the implementation of CO2 capture and storage (CCS). CCS is a... Show moreOne of the greatest environmental challenges the world is facing today is combating global warming. One of the solutions is the implementation of CO2 capture and storage (CCS). CCS is a controversial technology, and attitudes towards it are influenced by public communications. In this dissertation, I identify pitfalls in the communication about CCS. I show that irrelevant details dilute the persuasiveness of a relevant message, that giving more weight to either advantages or disadvantages of CCS is perceived as manipulative-even as illegitimate when people expect informative communications-and that citing pro-environmental motives for corporate involvement with CCS can be perceived as greenwashing. Furthermore, I reveal psychological processes underlying these pitfalls. To avoid long-term negative perceptions, stakeholders with an interest in CCS can best take people's source expectations into account and provide a relevant, balanced and credible message about the technology Show less
Deze dissertatie gaat over antecedenten en consequenties van publiek vertrouwen in organisaties die betrokken zijn bij de ontwikkeling van en de besluitvorming over koolstofdioxide afvang transport... Show moreDeze dissertatie gaat over antecedenten en consequenties van publiek vertrouwen in organisaties die betrokken zijn bij de ontwikkeling van en de besluitvorming over koolstofdioxide afvang transport en opslag (CCS) technologie. Het doel van CCS technologie is het verminderen van de alsmaar toenemende concentratie koolstofdioxide in de atmosfeer, de voornaamste oorzaak van klimaatverandering. Publieke acceptatie van CCS technologie is cruciaal voor het succesvol implementeren van deze technologie. De redenering die in deze dissertatie centraal staat is dat publieke acceptatie zal afhangen van de mate van publiek vertrouwen in organisaties die betrokken zijn bij CCS (zoals industriële organisaties, milieuorganisaties en overheidsorganisaties). Publiek vertrouwen in organisaties blijkt inderdaad publieke acceptatie van CCS te beïnvloeden. Aangezien uit het onderzoek blijkt dat publiek vertrouwen in industriële organisaties te wensen over laat, is het voornamelijk voor deze organisaties van belang om door middel van communicatie naar het publiek het vertrouwen van mensen te vergroten. Communicatie lijkt effectiever wanneer de suggestie van sociale wenselijkheid in communicatie wordt vermeden door naast publiekdienende (milieu)argumenten voor de inzet van CCS geven ook "eerlijk" aan te geven dat organisatiedienende motieven een rol spelen. Overheidsorganisaties wekken vertrouwen door aan te geven dat zowel milieuorganisaties als industriële organisaties bij de besluitvorming over CCS betrokken zijn. Show less