Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Safeguarding genome integrity with small ubiquitin-like modifiers
Quantitative protein mass spectrometry for kidney injury biomarker translation towards the clinical laboratory
Proteomics analyses of herbicide-tolerant genetically modified, conventionally, and organically farmed soybean seeds
Multi-omics in research
Ecology and genomics of Actinobacteria and their specialised metabolism
Improving diagnostic, prognostic and predictive biomarkers in colorectal cancer
Low and high doses of ionizing radiation evoke discrete global (phospho) proteome responses
Absence of COVID-19-associated changes in plasma coagulation proteins and pulmonary thrombosis in the ferret model
Modic changes are associated with activation of intense inflammatory and host defense response pathways-molecular insights from proteomic analysis of human intervertebral discs
Dose-dependent and compound-specific phospho-signalling responses after (geno)toxic treatment
Influence of endplate avulsion and Modic changes on the inflammation profile of herniated discs
Future feed control
Identification of sex-specific biomarkers predicting new-onset heart failure
Gene regulation in embryonic development
Inhibitors and probes targeting endo-glycosidases
Multi-omics studies of the control of growth and antibiotic production of streptomyces
Visualization of vitamin A metabolism
Proteome-wide assessment of diabetes mellitus in Qatari identifies IGFBP-2 as a risk factor already with early glycaemic disturbances
The mRNA Binding Proteome of Proliferating and Differentiated Muscle Cells
Emerging risk factors for venous thromboembolism: The role of commonly prescribed drugs for cardiovascular disease and inflammatory disorders
