In light of climate change, it is crucial to determine whether plant species can adapt to future climates to avoid extinction. Plants adapt to various conditions by altering their functional traits... Show moreIn light of climate change, it is crucial to determine whether plant species can adapt to future climates to avoid extinction. Plants adapt to various conditions by altering their functional traits, such as leaf size or photosynthetic rate. Some traits appear linked and vary together between species, suggesting resource management strategies of plants. Traits can also vary within species, known as intraspecific trait variation (ITV), and its extent varies between species. Our understanding of how and why these traits vary within species is limited.This dissertation uses newly compiled global databases of species' ITV and genetic adaptation rates. We investigate whether trait-trait relationships between species also occur within species, confirming these as true plant strategies. We then explore the drivers of components of ITV: phenotypic plasticity, allowing plants to change in response to the environment, and genetic adaptation, involving inherited changes. Each offers different benefits for species adapting to changing conditions. By combining them, we can better understand plant species' adaptive capacity. Finally, we evaluate whether plants with different growth forms and from different biomes differ in their adaptive capacity to climate change.Our results provide new insights into plant strategies and have important implications for vegetation modelling and conservation efforts. Show less
Lake Victoria cichlids show the fastest vertebrate adaptive radiation known which is why they function as a model organism to study evolution. In the past 40 years, Lake Victoria experienced severe... Show moreLake Victoria cichlids show the fastest vertebrate adaptive radiation known which is why they function as a model organism to study evolution. In the past 40 years, Lake Victoria experienced severe environmental changes including the boom of the introduced, predatory Nile perch and eutrophication. Both environmental changes resulted in a decline of haplochromine cichlid species and numbers during the 1980s. However, during the 1990s and 2000s, some haplochromine species recovered. With the use of the unique Lake Victoria cichlid of collection of the Naturalis Biodiversity Center, this thesis showed how the haplochromines have adapted their ecomorphology to the changed environment. In response to a decrease in water clarity, increased predation, larger prey and low dissolved oxygen levels, these fish adapted their eyes, body shape, upper jaw and gills in a way that would be beneficial to the survival of the fish. These adaptive responses could be the result of phenotypic plasticity or genetically based changes such as natural selection or hybridization or a combination of these three mechanisms. This research showed that the Lake Victoria cichlids are able to adapt extremely fast which is likely to have contributed to their extreme fast adaptive radiation. Show less
Temporal variation in abiotic and biotic variables such as temperature, rainfall, food availability or predation pressure profoundly affects the abilities of organisms to survive and reproduce... Show moreTemporal variation in abiotic and biotic variables such as temperature, rainfall, food availability or predation pressure profoundly affects the abilities of organisms to survive and reproduce successfully. Most organisms are remarkably flexible in the face of such heterogeneity in habitat quality, and display phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental variation, i.e. the production of alternative phenotypes from a single genotype, dependent on the experienced environment. The aftrotropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana expresses alternative adult life histories in its habitat's wet and dry seasons, including reproductive timing and lifespan. This thesis aims to increase insight into the hormonal and transcriptional patterns that underlie life history plasticity in B. anynana. The first question is how the environment experienced during development induces the two adult seasonal forms via conserved hormonal pathways. The second major question covered in this thesis is what transcriptional changes in the adult are associated with the seasonal forms, and how ageing differs between the seasons. Together, these data contribute to a better mechanistic understanding of plastic responses as adaptation to environmental variation, and provide starting points for research into mechanisms linking development and ageing in humans, and how events during early development can affect lifespan and human health. Show less
This thesis investigates mechanisms of adaptation to climate, and in particular temperature, in the African butterfly Bicyclus anynana. The work takes an integrated approach and brings together... Show moreThis thesis investigates mechanisms of adaptation to climate, and in particular temperature, in the African butterfly Bicyclus anynana. The work takes an integrated approach and brings together studies at the phenotypic, physiological and genetic level. By examining geographical variation among wild populations, the thesis investigates how B. anynana is adapted to geographically varying thermal conditions. The first half of the thesis is focused on phenotypic plasticity, which is a major component of adaptation to climate in B. anynana. Chapter 2 compares the plasticity response to temperature of two populations, and reveals a population-specific response for wing pattern but very small to no differences in the response of life history traits. Chapter 3 shows that a discontinuous regulatory hormone signal during development underlies the seasonal plasticity in B. anynana. In the second half of the thesis, I take a molecular genetic approach by studying geographic patterns of neutral and adaptive evolution in wild populations. Chapter 4 indicates that the B. anynana species area expanded southwards after the last ice age from glacial equatorial habitat refugia. Chapter 5 identifies clinal variation in genes coding for metabolic enzymes, indicating a putative role of these genes in thermal adaptation. Show less
The general aim of the work described in this thesis is to help explain the variation in ageing by using the life history framework of B. anynana. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of the... Show moreThe general aim of the work described in this thesis is to help explain the variation in ageing by using the life history framework of B. anynana. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of the life history, together giving a complete picture of the origins of variation in ageing in this species. A central theme to every chapter is the relative influence of genes, the environment, and how they related to plasticity. A summarising discussion of all chapters, and a perspective on how the ideas in this thesis will contribute to ageing research in the future is also included. Show less
Waar mensen zijn vindt nutriënten-verrijking van het water plaats. In de zomer kunnen algen hierdoor goed groeien. Dode algen en andere resten zakken naar de bodem waarna door rottingsprocessen de... Show moreWaar mensen zijn vindt nutriënten-verrijking van het water plaats. In de zomer kunnen algen hierdoor goed groeien. Dode algen en andere resten zakken naar de bodem waarna door rottingsprocessen de zuurstofconcentratie in het water sterk kan dalen. Het water wordt hierdoor onleefbaar voor vissen en andere organismen. In het Victoriameer in Afrika is het altijd zomer en grote gebieden zijn hier de laatste decennia zuurstofarm geworden. Men kan aannemen dat dit zeer slecht is voor de visstand. Toch blijken Victoriameervissen beter te kunnen overleven dan men dacht. In ons laboratorium in Leiden zagen we drie weken oude Victoriameervisjes (cichlidensoorten) zeer snel konden wennen aan zuurstofarme omstandigheden. Zij bleken zelfs met tien keer minder zuurstof (0,8 mg per liter) net zo hard te groeien als nestgenoten die onder normale omstandigheden leefden. Volwassen vissen gaan dood of overleven dit slechts tijdelijk. Jonge visjes kunnen zo goed overleven omdat zij tot 80% grotere kieuwen krijgen en continue een veel hogere ademactiviteit hebben. De aanleg van deze superkieuwen kost zoveel ruimte dat zelfs hun kop van vorm veranderde. Het bloed dat door de kieuwen stroomt bleek meer en beter zuurstof te kunnen binden terwijl een soort meerdere nieuwe typen hemoglobine bleek te produceren. Dit is een unieke eigenschap die bij andere dieren alleen optreedt bij geboorte of bijvoorbeeld transformaties van water naar land bij amfibieën. Het waterpeil in het Victoriameer was 14.000 jaar geleden extreem laag en mogelijkerwijs heeft een voorouder van deze soort deze truc destijds onder de knie gekregen die in het zuurstofarme water van nu weer van pas komt. Show less