Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Patronage, patrimonialism, and governors’ careers in the Dutch chartered companies, 1630-1681
Bureaucratic politics in neopatrimonial settings: types of appointment and their implications in Ghana
When business and politics mix
‘Warlord politics’ guides peace in South Sudan
Colonial careers : Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen, Rijckloff Volckertsz. van Goens and career-making in the Seventeenth-Century Dutch Empire
Urbanissime Strada: Jacopo Strada and Cultural Patronage at the Imperial Court
Venite et Videte: Art and Architecture in Brussels as Agents of Change during the Counter Reformation, c. 1609-1659
Tussen Oranje en Spanje : de leefwereld van Bredase regenten 1550-1700
Tussen hof en keizerskroon : Carolus Clusius en de ontwikkeling van de botanie aan Midden-Europese hoven (1573-1593)
Patronage and party organization in Argentina : the emergence of the patronage-based network party
Untouchable bureaucracy : unrepresentative bureaucracy in a North Indian State.
Met recht en rekenschap : de ambtenaren bij het Hof van Holland en de Haagse Rekenkamer in de Habsburgse Tijd (1483-1558)