Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Managing patient expectations about recovery after a distal radius fracture based on patient reported outcomes
Patient-reported outcomes and tolerability in patients receiving ripretinib versus sunitinib after treatment with imatinib in INTRIGUE, a phase 3, open-label study1
Visualization formats of patient-reported outcome measures in clinical practice: a systematic review about preferences and interpretation accuracy
Comparison between EQ-5D-5L and PROMIS-10 to evaluate health-related quality of life 3 months after stroke
Comparing quality of life and postoperative pain after limited access and conventional aortic valve replacement
The impact of a disease flare during tapering of DMARDs on the lives of rheumatoid arthritis patients
Outcome of osteoarthritis and arthroplasty from patient perspective to molecular profiling.
Effectiveness of endosponge therapy for the management of presacral abscesses following rectal surgery
Patient acceptable symptom states after total hip or knee replacement at mid-term follow-up THRESHOLDS OF THE OXFORD HIP AND KNEE SCORES
Patient acceptable symptom states after total hip or knee replacement at mid-term follow-up. Thresholds of the Oxford hip and knee scores