Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Heteronormativity and gender norms
The association between perceived social support and parenting self-efficacy among parents of children aged 0-8 years
Rice eaters in the land of cheese
Socio-demographic characteristics associated with perceived social support among parents of children aged 0-7 years
De intergenerationele overdracht van extreme gedachtensystemen
Changes in perspective
Family matters
Attachment theory and culture
Intergenerational transmission of anxious information processing biases
Child interethnic prejudice in the Netherlands
The beginning of infant self-regulation: a longitudinal study involving infants, mothers and fathers in the Netherlands and China
Unravelling the effect of household chaos on parenting
Infant emotional mimicry of strangers
I'll take you under my wing: Positive parenting in foster care
A meta-analytic review of parenting interventions in foster care and adoption
What's in a child's face? : effects of facial resemblance, love withdrawal, empathy and context on behavioral and neural responses
The way to success: Identifying factors related to individual differences in behavioral control and prosocial behavior
Maternal reflective functioning: influence on parenting practices and the early development of externalizing behavior
