Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Clinical implications of additional posterior fractures in combined anterior-posterior pelvic ring fractures in elderly patients
Quantitative ultrasound of the calcaneus (QUS)
Reference Intervals for bone impact microindentation in healthy adults
Bone and joint disorders
Osteoporosis in children and adolescents
Inter-observer agreement of vertebral fracture assessment with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry equipment
Prevalence of FRAX risk factors and the osteoporosis treatment gap among women >= 70 years of age in routine primary care across 8 countries in Europe
The influence of vitamin D and osteoporosis on fracture healing
Serum sclerostin levels in osteoporotic fracture patients
Indications for surgical fixation of low-energy pelvic ring fractures in elderly: a systematic review
Bone material strength index as measured by in vivo impact microindentation is normal in subjects with high-energy trauma fractures
The effect of osteoporosis and its treatment on fracture healing a systematic review of animal and clinical studies
Low sclerostin levels after long-term remission of acromegaly
The polygenic and monogenic basis of paediatric fractures
The gut microbiome: a new frontier in musculoskeletal research
Osteoporosis care during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands
Does osteoporosis affect the healing of subcapital humerus and distal radius fractures?
The osteoporosis treatment gap in patients at risk of fracture in European primary care
It's about time: Circadian rhythm and metabolism
