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Core outcome measurement instrument selection for physical function in hand osteoarthritis using the OMERACT Filter 2.1 process
Reliability and agreement of proton density-weighted vs. gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MRI in hand osteoarthritis. An OMERACT MRI special interest group reliability exercise
Endorsement of the domains of knee and hip osteoarthritis (OA) flare: A report from the OMERACT 2020 inaugural virtual consensus vote from the flares in OA working group
Endorsement of the OMERACT core domain set for shared decision making interventions in rheumatology trials: Results from a multi-stepped consensus-building approach
What do the OMERACT shoulder core set candidate instruments measure? An analysis using the refined international classification of functioning, disability, and health linking rules
Preliminary Definitions for Sacroiliac Joint Pathologies in the OMERACT Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score (OMERACT JAMRIS-SIJ)
Identifying Provisional Generic Contextual Factor Domains for Clinical Trials in Rheumatology: Results from an OMERACT Initiative
Report from the Hand Osteoarthritis Working Group at OMERACT 2018: Update on Core Instrument Set Development
Longitudinal Reliability of the OMERACT Thumb Base Osteoarthritis Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scoring System (TOMS)
Uptake of the OMERACT-OARSI Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis Core Outcome Set: Review of Randomized Controlled Trials from 1997 to 2017
The OMERACT-OARSI Core Domain Set for Measurement in Clinical Trials of Hip and/or Knee Osteoarthritis
The OMERACT Core Domain Set for Clinical Trials of Shoulder Disorders
Assessment of osteoarthritic features in the thumb base with the newly developed OMERACT magnetic resonance imaging scoring system is a valid addition to standard radiography
The OMERACT Ultrasound Group: A Report from the OMERACT 2016 Meeting and Perspectives
Development and Reliability of the OMERACT Thumb Base Osteoarthritis Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scoring System
An OMERACT Initiative Toward Consensus to Identify and Characterize Candidate Contextual Factors: Report from the Contextual Factors Working Group
Updating the OMERACT Filter: Implications of Filter 2.0 to Select Outcome Instruments Through Assessment of "Truth": Content, Face, and Construct Validity