Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Strategies in the battle against neonatal nosocomial infections
Early recognition of characteristic conventional and amplitude-integrated EEG patterns of seizures in SCN2A and KCNQ3-related epilepsy in neonates
Large variations between NICU nurses in predicting nasogastric tube insertion length in a mannequin study
A longitudinal analysis of nosocomial bloodstream infections among preterm neonates
The effect of single-room care versus open-bay care on the incidence of bacterial nosocomial infections in pre-term neonates
Phenobarbital, Midazolam Pharmacokinetics, Effectiveness, and Drug-Drug Interaction in Asphyxiated Neonates Undergoing Therapeutic Hypothermia
Towards a system-based pharmacology approach to predict developmental changes in renal drug clearance in children
A simple quantitative method analysing amikacin, gentamicin, and vancomycin levels in human newborn plasma using ion-pair liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry and its applicability to a clinical study
Measurements of neonatal bilirubin and albumin concentrations: a need for improvement and quality control
Magnetic resonance imaging in neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain injury