Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Conrad Gessner's Fish Books (1556-1560): processing information in a rapidly expanding field of knowledge
Packaging knowledge about whales in Early Modern Japan
Data collection on rare bone and mineral conditions in Europe
Layered loyalties
X-linked retinoschisis: novel clinical observations and genetic spectrum in 340 patients
Inherited retinal degenerations
Captured on paper
Growth of unruptured aneurysms
Knowledge extraction from archives of natural history collections
Criticismo y materialismo en los escritos tempranos de Theodor W. Adorno y Max Horkheimer
First data from a parent-reported registry of 81 individuals with Coffin-Siris syndrome: Natural history and management recommendations
Development of significant tricuspid regurgitation over time and prognostic implications: new insights into natural history
A 22-year follow-up reveals a variable disease severity in early-onset facioscapulohumeral dystrophy
Unknown knowledge: the travel diary of Carl Friedrich Reimer, 1789-1792
Impact of Non-obstructive left main disease on the progression of coronary artery disease: A PARADIGM substudy
Fish Out of Water. Collecting Aquatic Animals in the Early Modern Period
Fish Out of Water. Collecting Aquatic Animals in the Early Modern Period
Supination Contractures in Brachial Plexus Birth Palsy: Long-Term Upper Limb Function and Recurrence After Forearm Osteotomy or Nonsurgical Treatment
Dieren verbeeld. Diervoorstellingen in tekeningen, prenten en schilderijen door kunstenaars uit de Zuidelijke Nederlanden tussen 1550 en 1630
Diversity in disease course of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy
