Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Confidential enquiry into maternal deaths in Namibia, 2018–2019
Maternal health in Namibia
Maternal morbidity and mortality in the Netherlands and their association with obstetric interventions
Postpartum hemorrhage
Increasing utilisation of perinatal services
Clinical characteristics of women captured by extending the definition of severe postpartum haemorrhage with 'refractoriness to treatment': a cohort study
A district-wide population-based descriptive study of emergency peripartum hysterectomy in a middle-income country
Maternal mortality after cesarean section in the Netherlands
Prospective cohort study comparing outcomes between vacuum extraction and second-stage cesarean delivery at a Ugandan tertiary referral hospital
Laparotomy in women with severe acute maternal morbidity: secondary analysis of a nationwide cohort study
Comparison of pregnancy outcomes between maternity waiting home users and non-users at hospitals with and without a maternity waiting home: retrospective cohort study
Factors associated with intended use of a maternity waiting home in Southern Ethiopia: a community-based cross-sectional study
Incidence, management and outcome of women requiring massive transfusion after childbirth in the Netherlands: secondary analysis of a nationwide cohort study between 2004 and 2006
Safe motherhood : severe acute maternal morbidity: risk factors in the Netherlands and validation of the WHO Maternal Near Miss tool
Maternal near miss and mortality in a tertiary care hospital in Rwanda
Regional differences in severe postpartum hemorrhage: a nationwide comparative study of 1.6 million deliveries
Maternal mortality in a rural Tanzanian hospital: fatal Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction in a case of relapsing fever in pregnancy
Maternal near miss and mortality in a rural referral hospital in northern Tanzania: a cross-sectional study
Maternal mortality and severe maternal morbidity from acute fatty liver of pregnancy in the Netherlands
Safe motherhood : severe maternal morbidity in the Netherlands. The LEMMoN study