Background Implementation of digital health (eHealth) generally involves adapting pre-established and carefully considered processes or routines, and still raises multiple ethical and legal... Show moreBackground Implementation of digital health (eHealth) generally involves adapting pre-established and carefully considered processes or routines, and still raises multiple ethical and legal dilemmas. This study aimed to identify challenges regarding responsibility and liability when prescribing digital health in clinical practice. This was part of an overarching project aiming to explore the most pressing ethical and legal obstacles regarding the implementation and adoption of digital health in the Netherlands, and to propose actionable solutions. Methods A series of multidisciplinary focus groups with stakeholders who have relevant digital health expertise were analysed through thematic analysis. Results The emerging general theme was 'uncertainty regarding responsibilities' when adopting digital health. Key dilemmas take place in clinical settings and within the doctor-patient relationship ('professional digital health'). This context is particularly challenging because different stakeholders interact. In the absence of appropriate legal frameworks and codes of conduct tailored to digital health, physicians' responsibility is to be found in their general duty of care. In other words: to do what is best for patients (not causing harm and doing good). Professional organisations could take a leading role to provide more clarity with respect to physicians' responsibility, by developing guidance describing physicians' duty of care in the context of digital health, and to address the resulting responsibilities. Conclusions Although legal frameworks governing medical practice describe core ethical principles, rights and obligations of physicians, they do not suffice to clarify their responsibilities in the setting of professional digital health. Here we present a series of recommendations to provide more clarity in this respect, offering the opportunity to improve quality of care and patients' health. The recommendations can be used as a starting point to develop professional guidance and have the potential to be adapted to other healthcare professionals and systems. Show less
Silven, A.V.; Peet, P.G. van; Boers, S.N.; Tabak, M.; Groot, A. de; Hendriks, D.; ... ; Villalobos-Quesada, M. 2022
BackgroundImplementation of digital health (eHealth) generally involves adapting pre-established and carefully considered processes or routines, and still raises multiple ethical and legal dilemmas... Show moreBackgroundImplementation of digital health (eHealth) generally involves adapting pre-established and carefully considered processes or routines, and still raises multiple ethical and legal dilemmas. This study aimed to identify challenges regarding responsibility and liability when prescribing digital health in clinical practice. This was part of an overarching project aiming to explore the most pressing ethical and legal obstacles regarding the implementation and adoption of digital health in the Netherlands, and to propose actionable solutions.MethodsA series of multidisciplinary focus groups with stakeholders who have relevant digital health expertise were analysed through thematic analysis.ResultsThe emerging general theme was ‘uncertainty regarding responsibilities’ when adopting digital health. Key dilemmas take place in clinical settings and within the doctor-patient relationship (‘professional digital health’). This context is particularly challenging because different stakeholders interact. In the absence of appropriate legal frameworks and codes of conduct tailored to digital health, physicians’ responsibility is to be found in their general duty of care. In other words: to do what is best for patients (not causing harm and doing good). Professional organisations could take a leading role to provide more clarity with respect to physicians’ responsibility, by developing guidance describing physicians’ duty of care in the context of digital health, and to address the resulting responsibilities.ConclusionsAlthough legal frameworks governing medical practice describe core ethical principles, rights and obligations of physicians, they do not suffice to clarify their responsibilities in the setting of professional digital health. Here we present a series of recommendations to provide more clarity in this respect, offering the opportunity to improve quality of care and patients’ health. The recommendations can be used as a starting point to develop professional guidance and have the potential to be adapted to other healthcare professionals and systems. Show less
Article 162(2) of Book 6 of the Dutch Civil Code sets out the central concept of non-contractual liability law by providing a definition of what is deemed a tortious act. The list of different... Show moreArticle 162(2) of Book 6 of the Dutch Civil Code sets out the central concept of non-contractual liability law by providing a definition of what is deemed a tortious act. The list of different types of tortious acts concludes with the qualification: ‘except for the presence of a ground of justification’. Thus, the door to the exception to the core of non-contractual liability law has been left wide open. A fascination for this ‘escape’ incorporated in Dutch liability law was one of the motives for this dissertation. This study set out on a journey of discovery through the full breadth of non-contractual liability law, constantly viewed from the perspective of the exception to the rule. The first part of the dissertation is a general exploration of the area of research. The different types of torts are described, the concepts of justification and grounds of justification are defined and the distinction between the grounds of exculpation is provided, and a comparision with criminal law is made. The second part of the study classifies the subject matter. For this purpose, the different types of justifications are defined and divided into categories: complete, incomplete and conditional justifications. The third part of the dissertation is devoted to the principles of justification: culpa in causa and proportionality and subsidiarity. The focus of the book then shifts to the content of the justification. To that end, in the fourth part of the book justification is considered in light of wrongfulness, guilt and relativity. The fifth and final part of the dissertation deals with the legal effects of the presence of a justification: the impact on the judgements of the act and of the obligation to compensate. Show less
In order to answer the research question, the dissertation is divided into four parts. Part I examines the ratio legis of the 1999 Montreal Convention to determine to what extent uniformity is a... Show moreIn order to answer the research question, the dissertation is divided into four parts. Part I examines the ratio legis of the 1999 Montreal Convention to determine to what extent uniformity is a principal aim of the convention that must be pursued in its application. Part II analyses the factors which already existed at the time of the signing and prevented its uniform application. Part III scrutinizes the fragmentation factors that only appeared during the lifespan of the convention. Part IV makes different suggestions to improve the uniform application of the convention and to reduce its fragmentation. The author concludes the research with a list of not less than 10 recommendations to protect the aim of uniformity of the international air carrier liability regime established by the convention. Show less
There has never been a more pertinent time to discuss the accountability and the legal responsibility of Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, for fundamental rights violations. In a... Show moreThere has never been a more pertinent time to discuss the accountability and the legal responsibility of Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, for fundamental rights violations. In a period that hosts the first legal actions vis-à-vis the agency and a series of relevant non-judicial investigations, including by the European Parliament, this dissertation aims to address the main problem underlying these accountability efforts, namely the ‘problem of many hands’. As conceptualised by Dennis Thompson, this problem is where the multiplicity of the actors involved obscures the various responsibilities and creates gaps in accountability.To address it, this work contests the dominant ways of looking at the concepts of responsibility and accountability, and reimagines them for their optimal function.It adopts a holistic approach, taking into account not only judicial, but also other forms of accountability, studying not only EU liability law, but also other legal remedies before the CJEU, the ECtHR, and domestic courts, building bridges between international and EU law, and traveling from the empirical to the conceptual, to the normative, and from there to the applied.It creates the foundations for the accountability of the agency inside and outside courts, within the EU borders and beyond. Show less
Het Europese non-foodproductveiligheidsrecht bevat productnormen die veelal als publiekrechtelijk worden bestempeld. Bij de harmonisatie gebruikt de Europese wetgever verschillende soorten... Show moreHet Europese non-foodproductveiligheidsrecht bevat productnormen die veelal als publiekrechtelijk worden bestempeld. Bij de harmonisatie gebruikt de Europese wetgever verschillende soorten productnormen, namelijk bindende eisen in richtlijnen en verordeningen en niet-bindende Europese normalisatienormen. De literatuur neemt aan dat Europese productnormen ook invloed kunnen hebben op de privaatrechtelijke normen die gelden in rechtsverhoudingen tussen bijvoorbeeld de eindgebruiker van het product en andere partijen in de handelsketen, alsmede tussen concurrenten. Dit onderzoek beantwoordt de vraag wat de exacte betekenis is van Europese productnormen voor privaatrechtelijke normstelling. Wanneer is een productnorm slechts een van de relevante omstandigheden van het geval bij de formulering van een privaatrechtelijke norm? Wanneer vult een productnorm een privaatrechtelijke norm grotendeels in, in de zin dat de productnorm het uitgangspunt vormt? Van welke omstandigheden en factoren is deze betekenis afhankelijk?Het onderzoek biedt de lezer een nadere introductie in het wat onderbelichte Europese productveiligheidsrecht en beantwoordt de hoofdvraag aan de hand van een Europeesrechtelijk, institutioneel en privaatrechtelijk perspectief. De privaatrechtelijke analyse ziet op de belangrijkste Nederlandse rechtsgronden voor doorwerking van productnormen en bevat rechtsvergelijking met het Engelse en Duitse recht. Bovendien vindt een uitvoerige analyse van Nederlandse feitenrechtspraak plaats om te zien hoe feitenrechters in de praktijk met productnormen bij de invulling van privaatrechtelijke normen omgaan. Het onderzoek besluit met een overzicht van gezichtspunten die behulpzaam kunnen zijn bij het beoordelen van de betekenis van productnormen voor privaatrechtelijke normstelling in concrete gevallen. Show less
The main purpose of this thesis is to explore the hypothesis that although Islamic law has its independent principles of liability, Islamic States can adopt international air carrier’s liability in... Show moreThe main purpose of this thesis is to explore the hypothesis that although Islamic law has its independent principles of liability, Islamic States can adopt international air carrier’s liability in international flights and allow the two systems to coexist in domestic flights In so doing, the work focuses mainly on the legal system of Iran.To verify the hypothesis, the author provides five chapters. Chapter 2 discusses the prevailing legal systems that are the common law and civil law that have affected the Warsaw system. A close study of the principles underlying legal liability in these two systems would in turn be very useful in gaining a better understanding of air carrier’s liability in private international law.Chapter 3 investigates the legal liability under the Shariah and Iranian law. The most important issue is the determination of liability limits for death and bodily injury, which is in contradiction with the limited liability and unlimited liability for death and bodily injury in the Warsaw-Hague regime. Chapter 4 deals with the general principles of liability that govern air carrier’s liability in international instruments. There, the author analyses these principles and compares them with the Shariah principles. The Chapter 4 argues and demonstrates that the principles of air carrier’s liability in international treaties are dynamic that continuously evolves. Therefore, States with diverse legal systems can adapt themselves to the principles of the international system. Chapter 5 concludes by highlighting that the Shariah is indeed consistent and able to co-exist with the liability principles of the Warsaw-Montreal regime. Show less
This work covers the evolution of satellite based Aeronautical Public Correspondence and the operational environment in which services are being offered. Followed by an examination of applicable... Show moreThis work covers the evolution of satellite based Aeronautical Public Correspondence and the operational environment in which services are being offered. Followed by an examination of applicable rules, including the relevant institutions from which they emanate, attention is devoted to questions on liability and the effect of State Sovereignty, applicable in territorial airspace, the Arctic, Antarctica, and the High Seas as well as, to activities such as telecommunications, air transport, copyright protection and trade in services. Particular attention is given to the ITU Radio Regulations; ITU Sector Recommendations; ICAO Council Regulations; International Copyright Laws; National Operational Procedures and Statutes. Show less
Als een ICT-leverancier geen exoneratie in een overeenkomst met zijn klant opneemt, is hij in principe onbeperkt aansprakelijk als hij schade toebrengt bij de uitvoering van een ICT-project. Een... Show moreAls een ICT-leverancier geen exoneratie in een overeenkomst met zijn klant opneemt, is hij in principe onbeperkt aansprakelijk als hij schade toebrengt bij de uitvoering van een ICT-project. Een exoneratie is een clausule in een contract waarmee een leverancier zijn aansprakelijkheid uitsluit of beperkt. Rechters moeten terughoudend zijn met het opzij schuiven van exoneraties die zijn overeengekomen tussen professionele ICT-partijen. Ook als een ICT-leverancier een exoneratie overeenkomt, kunnen er omstandigheden zijn waardoor een rechter die exoneratie terzijde schuift. Deze omstandigheden worden geanalyseerd in dit proefschrift. Eén van de omstandigheden waaronder een leverancier geen beroep mag doen op zijn exoneratie is als hij opzettelijk of met bewuste roekeloosheid schade toebrengt aan zijn klant. Als hiervan geen sprake is, zijn er nog een aantal andere omstandigheden op grond waarvan exoneraties doorbroken kunnen worden. In het proefschrift wordt betoogd dat als geen sprake is van opzet of bewuste roekeloosheid, rechters terughoudend moeten zijn met het opzij schuiven van exoneraties die zijn overeengekomen tussen professionele partijen. Professionele partijen moeten vrij zijn om in hun contracten onderling risico's te verdelen. Exonereren is eigenlijk niets anders dan het verdelen van aansprakelijkheidsrisico's. Show less