Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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(1 - 19 of 19)
Lensing without borders
The PAU Survey
The mass-size relation of galaxy clusters
The relationship between gas and galaxies at z < 1 using the Q0107 quasar triplet
Constraining cosmology with weak lensing voids
Radio relics in PSZ2 G096.88+24.18
Ultra-large-scale approximations and galaxy clustering
LOFAR observations of galaxy clusters in HETDEX
The MUSE-Wide survey
KiDS-1000 cosmology
KiDS-1000 Cosmology
KiDS-1000 methodology
Photometric selection and redshifts for quasars in the Kilo-Degree Survey Data Release 4
Probing galaxy bias and intergalactic gas pressure with KiDS Galaxies-tSZ-CMB lensing cross-correlations
Geometry versus growth
An EAGLE view of the missing baryons
A 3.5 Mpc long radio relic in the galaxy cluster ClG 0217+70
KiDS-1000 catalogue: Weak gravitational lensing shear measurements