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Social Equity in Japan
“The Waste of Society as Seen through Women’s Eyes:”: waste, gender, and national belonging  in Japan
Does citizen participation affect municipal performance? Electoral competition and fiscal performance in Japan
New Public Management and Municipal Performance: Do NPM Reforms Boost Performance?
Municipal Merger and Local Democracy: An Assessment of the Merger of Japanese Municipalities
A Transmission and its transformation : the Liqujing shibahui mantuluo in Daigoji
Crime prevention in Japan: orchestration, representation and impact of a volunteering boom
The operations of the Navy in the Dutch East Indies and the Bay of Bengal
In Nippon’s schaduw. Ellen Forest in Japan.
Women and risk-taking behaviour in local public finance
Government expenditure cuts and voluntary activities of citizens: the experience of Japanese municipalities
Reenchanting Buddhism via modernizing magic: Guru Wuguang of Taiwan’s philosophy and science of ‘superstition’
The Importance of Kōden in the Establishment of Identity: The Title of the Dainichikyō in the Opening Sequence of the Hizōki
The Importance of Kōden in the Establishment of Identity: The Title of the Dainichikyō in the Opening Sequence of the Hizōki .
Voyage of discovery : exploring the collections of the Asian Library at Leiden University
Impact of municipal mergers on local population growth: an assessment of the merger of Japanese municipalities
Does Chief Executive’s Experience Moderate Consolidation’s Impact on Municipal Performance
What Drives Japanese INGOs to Operate in Latin American Countries?
