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(61 - 80 of 81)


Islamic NGOs in Chad
Notes on the anthropological study of Islam and Muslim societies in Africa
Situating globality: African agency in the appropriation of global culture
Islam and public piety in Mali
An African Muslim saint and his followers in France
The Public Sphere and Public Islam
Is There a Church in Islam?
Sacred and Secular in Islam
Ismaili Studies Antecedents and Modern Developments
Converts and the making of European Islam
al-Manar al-Jadid Changes in the Contemporary Islamist Discourse
Contemporary Artistic Creation in Societies of Islam
The Center for Islam & Science: A New Initiative
Islam vs Secularism? The New Political Terrain in Malaysia and Indonesia
Muslim proselytization as purification: religious pluralism and conflict in contemporary Mali
The Fulbe "shaykh" and the Bambara "pagans": contemporary campaigns to spread Islam in Mali
The prayer economy in a Malian town
A contemporary Malian Shaykh: Al-Hajj Shaykh Sidy Modibo Kane Diallo, the religious leader of Dilly
The Sahelian crisis and the poor: the role of Islam in social security among Fulbe pastoralists, Central Mali
The historical interpretation of myth in the context of popular Islam
