Historical research on the acceptance of new knowledge and technology has focussed primarily on 'experts'. Although these scholars, practitioners, entrepreneurs, and engineers developed better or... Show moreHistorical research on the acceptance of new knowledge and technology has focussed primarily on 'experts'. Although these scholars, practitioners, entrepreneurs, and engineers developed better or more accurate knowledge or technology, this does not mean that it was willingly appropriated by the rest of society. The success of new knowledge and technology also depends on socio-cultural factors, which change over time, and differ between cultures and groups within them. This dissertation aims to better understand how such processes of cultural change worked in the Low Countries between 1500 and 1850. Show less
Groot, B.G. de; Braekmans, D.; Fernández-Götz, M.; Hansen, L.; Stegmaier, G.; Krausse, D. 2023
This paper addresses technological dynamics revealed through raw material analyses of Late Hallstatt (seventh-fifth centuries BCE) ceramics from the famous Heuneburg site (Herbertingen-Hundersingen... Show moreThis paper addresses technological dynamics revealed through raw material analyses of Late Hallstatt (seventh-fifth centuries BCE) ceramics from the famous Heuneburg site (Herbertingen-Hundersingen, SW Germany). The study combines, for the first time, separate sets of thin-sections produced over the last 50 years in order to provide a comprehensive and consolidated characterisation of technological changes in ceramic production taking place at the site during the Hallstatt phases D1 to D3. It provides significant new insights into the relation between raw material procurement and preparation, on the one hand, and changes in ceramic typology and production methods, on the other hand (i.e. the introduction of the potter's wheel). The results reveal a shift from a broad spectrum of fabrics tempered with grog, sand or crushed calcite in phase Hallstatt D1, to the increasing use of non-calcareous, grog or sand-tempered fabrics. The new wheel-turned pottery (appearing from phase Hallstatt D3) is exclusively produced using a non-calcareous clay, often tempered with fine sand, indicating a specialisation in raw material selection alongside the introduction of novel shaping techniques. Evidence of continuity between the fabrics used in phase Hallstatt D1 and the new wheel-turned pottery suggests craft specialists drew upon established technological knowledge to integrate the potter's wheel. The adoption of the potter's wheel was likely also stimulated by the increased demand for new vessels to accommodate the consumption of fermented drinks such as grape wine, fruit wine or beer. Show less
Innovation is often an object of study in economics and management. However, the social and behavioral aspects of innovation acceptance are as important as the economics of product development. A... Show moreInnovation is often an object of study in economics and management. However, the social and behavioral aspects of innovation acceptance are as important as the economics of product development. A significant portion of the literature considers innovation as a change in the way social actions are conducted, entailing a wide range of social, economic, behavioral, and institutional changes. Various approaches have given rise to the need for a typology. Sundbo (1998) divided innovation into three groups depending on the aspects of the phenomenon: theory of entrepreneurship, technological and social aspects, and strategic aspects. Adopting Sundbo's conceptual framework, this study supplemented and developed it based on recent literature that appeared after 1998. Moreover, this study added new directions at the second level of decomposition and the relationships between different aspects of innovation. In particular, this study analyzed phenomena such as open innovation, agile innovation, and “helix” models. Thus, this study developed a novel typology of innovation that expands the theoretical knowledge in this field. Based on these findings, this study proposed promising areas for future innovation studies. Show less
The eighteenth-century passion to order and systematize as well as to measure and calculate has been explained as a result of both the Scientific Revolution and the emergence of centralized states.... Show moreThe eighteenth-century passion to order and systematize as well as to measure and calculate has been explained as a result of both the Scientific Revolution and the emergence of centralized states. The first, enabled the new experimental philosophy that quantified the 'sciences', while the latter created the need for statistics (e.g., demographic data). This paper explores the diffusion of the ‘quantifying spirit’ among the wider public in the eighteenth century and offers alternative explanation for the interest of the population at large in structured quantitative data. Using a corpus of 188 handwritten chronicles, produced by a heterogenous group of middle-class authors from the Low Countries, between 1500-1800, it analyses how early modern chroniclers used Western/Hindu-Arabic numerals in their writings, and under which circumstances this changed in the eighteenth century. From the analysis it appears that chroniclers used meteorological measurement and demographic data for different purposes than natural philosophers and (centralized) governments. Moreover, it transpires that the collection of quantitative data was initially stimulated by local governments, subsequently made public by various media, and picked up by the society at large and higher authorities. Show less
The decentralization of social care in the Netherlands has had a major impact on the professionals working in this field. This dissertation examines this impact by specifically focusing on the... Show moreThe decentralization of social care in the Netherlands has had a major impact on the professionals working in this field. This dissertation examines this impact by specifically focusing on the cognitive uncertainty experiences of social care professionals. It shows that cognitive uncertainty is a multi-faceted concept that covers different domains of the work and can have multiple sources. Contrary to the frequently expressed view in the literature on bureaucracy, this dissertation shows that rules do not reduce cognitive uncertainty. Leadership of team leaders, in contrast, can reduce cognitive uncertainty experiences of professionals.Moreover, leadership plays a key role in managing cognitive uncertainty. When properly managed, cognitive uncertainty can prove highly valuable as it can spur innovation and thus contribute to achieving the goals set in the decentralization of social care in the Netherlands. Show less
De mogelijke vernieuwingen bij de vreemde talen kunnen resulteren in meer aandacht voor inhoud op het gebied van taal en cultuur. Hoe kun je deze onderdelen geïntegreerd toetsen met taalvaardigheid... Show moreDe mogelijke vernieuwingen bij de vreemde talen kunnen resulteren in meer aandacht voor inhoud op het gebied van taal en cultuur. Hoe kun je deze onderdelen geïntegreerd toetsen met taalvaardigheid? Nivja de Jong, Janine Berns en Tessa Mearns maken in ‘Toetsing als vertrekpunt voor vernieuwing’ creatief gebruik van de bekende driehoek van Biggs (1996) met leerdoelen, toetsing en feedback en leeractiviteiten. Eigenlijk staan de leerdoelen bovenaan, maar als je begint bij de toetsing heb je een veel concreter uitgangspunt. En als het goed is zijn de toetsen valide operationaliseringen van de leerdoelen. De Jong, Berns en Mearns anticiperen op de nieuwe examenprogramma’s voor de moderne vreemde talen en schetsen de voordelen als de leesteksten niet meer over alle mogelijke vakvreemde onderwerpen gaan waar de docenten geen verstand van hebben en die er in feite niet toe doen, maar over taal en cultuur, het vakgebied van de vreemdetaaldocent. De inhoud wordt dan net zo belangrijk als de taal, zoals bij tweetalig onderwijs (CLIL). Daar moet het leerproces, dus ook de feedback en de beoordeling door de docent, zich richten op inhoud én op de taal. Van de CLIL-ervaringen kunnen de vernieuwde talenvakken leren. Show less
This thesis examines how innovation is practiced, imagined, mobilized, and reinterpreted by China’s local developers and its subjects. The Chinese innovation movement is not the same as the ... Show moreThis thesis examines how innovation is practiced, imagined, mobilized, and reinterpreted by China’s local developers and its subjects. The Chinese innovation movement is not the same as the “disruptive innovation” of recent years mainly driven by digital technology in the European and North American contexts. The state plays a very salient role in innovation, investing in the social and economic system to provide a constant demand for innovation to unleash the dynamism of development.The aim of this thesis is to contribute to the understanding of the state’s role in socio-economic transformation and its governance model in innovation activities. This thesis discusses the state-market-society relationship not merely from an institutionalist perspective that focuses on the interplay between the state, the market, and society. I discovered that the state creates a range of government institutions to regulate and shape society. Further, in recent years the local state has been an important producer of the emergence of China’s new civil society that drives innovation and entrepreneurship as ways to enhance social mobility. Show less
In de topsectoren spelen we een rol in een bijzonder soort innovatie: innovatie die plaatsvindt binnen publiek-private samenwerkingen. Deze triple helix bestaat uit overheid, bedrijfsleven en... Show moreIn de topsectoren spelen we een rol in een bijzonder soort innovatie: innovatie die plaatsvindt binnen publiek-private samenwerkingen. Deze triple helix bestaat uit overheid, bedrijfsleven en kennisinstellingen die elk hun eigen vraagstukken en belangen hebben, maar elkaar vinden bij het zoeken naar oplossingen voor maatschappelijke vraagstukken. Steeds vaker wordt dit model aangevuld met de burger als vierde element in de zogenaamde quadruple helix.Vaak is in deze samenwerkingen de overheid op een of andere manier financier. Echter, de overheid is ook een echte belanghebbende, op meerdere manieren. Natuurlijk bewaakt de overheid de maatschappelijke uitdagingen. Maar de overheid maakt ook beleid, bepaalt contouren van wat er wel en niet kan, en formuleert specifiek regels. Hiermee vormt de overheid als geen ander het speelveld waarin innovatie zich kan voltrekken.Deze publicatie gaat over die rol van de overheid bij innovatie. Meer specifiek gaat dit document over de invloed van beleid en wet- en regelgeving op logistieke innovaties. Een recent voorbeeld (mei 2021) omtrent de toelating tot de openbare weg van de Super EcoCombi vrachtwagen laat zien dat de overheid hierbij een belangrijke rol speelt.We hadden behoefte, in de Topsector Logistiek, om beter te begrijpen hoe vanuit de academische expertise die de overheid en overheidsbeleid centraal stelt – de bestuurskunde – naar de rol van de overheid als wegbereider voor innovatie gekeken wordt. Daarmee willen we over veelgehoordekritiek op de rol van de overheid heenstappen, en toewerken naar een reëel beeld van wat van de overheid verwacht mag en kan worden. Daarvoor hebben we een conceptueel kader nodig, waarmee we naar voorkomende problemen kunnen gaan kijken.Prof. Bram Klievink heeft in zijn bijdrage een flinke stap gezet in dit debat. Hij wijst op het belang van integraliteit, afstemming, en coördinatie tussen beleid en uitvoering als belangrijke richtsnoeren voor het beoordelen van effectief beleid voor logistieke innovatie. Zijn suggestie voor het ontwikkelen van adaptief beleid helpt in mijn optiek zowel de overheid als de verschillende belanghebbenden aan de kant van het bedrijfsleven om de discussie op een constructieve manier te vervolgen.prof. dr. Albert Veenstra Scientific Director TKI Dinalog Show less
Patient outcomes have been tremendously improved through neurosurgical innovation for which there are countless examples. However, how neurosurgical innovation occurs generally lacks structure.... Show morePatient outcomes have been tremendously improved through neurosurgical innovation for which there are countless examples. However, how neurosurgical innovation occurs generally lacks structure. This lack results in several ethical and practical problems related to patient safety. In this thesis, a new framework for neurosurgical innovation is proposed. This framework aims to provide an adequate valuation of structured and careful innovation. In recent neurosurgical innovations, related ethical dillema’s and excisiting frameworks for innovation were evaluated to come to this framework.Based on an extensive review of the literature, several recent neurosurgical innovations were not introduced in a structured fashion. This unstructured introduction holds potentially far-reaching consequences for informed consent, patient safety, and knowledge regarding long-term outcomes.Neurosurgical innovation holds several ethical dilemmas. These dilemmas range from the need to innovate in an emergency setting to the learning curve that every novel procedure brings. This thesis describes these dilemmas in detail and discusses potential solutions.Existing frameworks for innovation in medicine, such as the IDEAL Framework and learning health systems, have limited application to neurosurgery because of its unique patient population. Nevertheless, these frameworks form the inspiration for the beforementioned newly suggested framework for neurosurgical innovation. Show less
This dissertation presents the results of the importance of creativity for ICT-students of Dutch universities of applied sciences (in Dutch: hogescholen), and the functioning of training courses... Show moreThis dissertation presents the results of the importance of creativity for ICT-students of Dutch universities of applied sciences (in Dutch: hogescholen), and the functioning of training courses that aim to promote creative abilities is highlighted. The ability to generate new and potentially useful ideas and problem-solving skills as a result of creative thinking is an important driver of human evolution. According to many, creativity is a very valued and sought-after accomplishment for today's society and for the future. In addition, computers, and everything related to them, have become an integral part of society. The ‘computer’ is one of the most important innovations in the history of mankind. Computers have radically changed our lives. It is even hardly conceivable to innovate without ICT. It is therefore logical that ICT-professionals play an extremely prominent role in innovation. This applies in particular to students taking a Bachelor of ICT-course in a Dutch University of Applied Sciences, because they are trained as leading IT-specialists.These phenomena led to two interrelated research questions: (i) ”Is creativity training important for ICT-students at Dutch hogescholen?”; and (ii): “Does creativity training work, as it is integrated in the curriculum of these ICT-students?” Show less
Background: In recent years, novel technologies have been implemented in order to improve the surgical outcomes of robot-assisted partial nephrectomy (RAPN). Intraoperative administration of... Show moreBackground: In recent years, novel technologies have been implemented in order to improve the surgical outcomes of robot-assisted partial nephrectomy (RAPN). Intraoperative administration of indocyanine green (ICG) has been proposed to assess kidney perfusion intraoperatively.Objective: To confirm, on a large scale, the effectiveness of near-infrared fluorescence ICG-guided RAPN in leading the surgeon strategy and to provide hints to the use of this tool. Design, setting, and participants: The Transatlantic Robotic Nephron-sparing Surgery (TRoNeS) study group collected data from 737 patients subjected to RAPN between 2010 and 2016 at three tertiary care referral centers. Of them, 318 had complete demographic and clinical data, and underwent ICG-guided RAPN for clinically localized kidney cancer.Surgical procedure: Patients were subjected to RAPN with intraoperative intravenous ICG injection.Measurements: Optimal surgical outcomes, defined according to both the margin, ischemia, and complication (MIC), and the trifecta score, were assessed.Results and limitations: A total of 194 (61%) patients were male and 124 (39%) were female. The median patient age was 61 yr and median preoperative tumor size was 30 mm. Median operative time, estimated blood loss, and warm ischemia time were, respectively, 162 min, 100 ml, and 17 min. In total, 228 (71.7%) and 254 (79.9%) individuals, respectively, were selected as optimal surgical patients defined according to MIC and trifecta. The univariate and multivariable logistic regression models showed that tumor complexity nephrometry scores were independent predictors of both trifecta and MIC. The main limitation of this study is the lack of a control group. Conclusions: We report the largest population of patients who underwent ICG-guided RAPN. Intraprocedural ICG administration represents a useful tool where the vascular anatomy is challenging, and it could be implemented to maximize the adoption of RAPN.Patient summary: We demonstrated that indocyanine green (ICG) is a reliable tool for guiding the surgeon strategy during robot-assisted partial nephrectomy. ICG may help in procedure tailoring, especially in cases with challenging vascularization or impaired renal function. (C) 2020 European Association of Urology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Show less
Hassani, R.T.J.; Sandali, O.; Ouadfel, A.; Packer, M.; Romano, F.; Thuret, G.; ... ; Baudouin, C. 2020
Phacoemulsification is the most frequently performed surgery in the world. Over the past few years, this surgery seems to have reached a plateau with no further innovative breakthroughs. In this... Show morePhacoemulsification is the most frequently performed surgery in the world. Over the past few years, this surgery seems to have reached a plateau with no further innovative breakthroughs. In this paper, we focus on alternatives techniques, the latest innovations, and the research and development pipeline in this field. (C) 2020 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved. Show less
Durez, P.; Hoekema, A.; Huizinga, T.; Gazin, M.; Present, E.; Veelaert, D.; ... ; Westhovens, R. 2020
A better understanding of disease pathology, improvements in relevant disease outcomes, better treatment strategies and the development of novel therapies all contribute to improving healthcare and... Show moreA better understanding of disease pathology, improvements in relevant disease outcomes, better treatment strategies and the development of novel therapies all contribute to improving healthcare and treatment options. However, the global drug development model today is under increasing pressure, with very high drug development costs. Collaborative research is critical for bringing together different capabilities and expertise to increase the success of drug development, and large-scale collaborations with multiple partners are becoming increasingly common. Research clusters supported by local governments play an important role in bringing together academic centres, hospitals, scientists, and pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. The 'triple helix' model, with academia, industry and governments working together, has been an important factor in the successful development of novel therapies. During the past 20 years, Galapagos has worked closely with academic centres, hospitals, governments and pharmaceutical companies to conduct innovative research and to develop a novel therapy for rheumatoid arthritis. These collaborations have brought unique knowledge, expertise and skills together, as well as crucial funding at various stages. Local governments in the Benelux have operated in this triple helix model to provide the necessary environment and to stimulate companies to achieve innovation through collaboration. Although the triple helix has already proved successful, evolution to a quadruple helix that includes patients and patient representatives could be the next step to ensure innovation remains transformational. Show less
Background The Idea, Development, Exploration, Assessment and Long-term study (IDEAL) framework was created to provide a structured way for assessing and evaluating novel surgical techniques and... Show moreBackground The Idea, Development, Exploration, Assessment and Long-term study (IDEAL) framework was created to provide a structured way for assessing and evaluating novel surgical techniques and devices. Objectives The aim of this paper was to investigate the utilization of the IDEAL framework within neurosurgery, and to identify factors influencing implementation. Methods A bibliometric analysis of the 7 key IDEAL papers on Scopus, PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases (2009-2019) was performed. A second journal-specific search then identified additional papers citing the IDEAL framework. Publications identified were screened by two independent reviewers to select neurosurgery-specific articles. Results The citation search identified 1336 articles. The journal search identified another 16 articles. Following deduplication and review, 51 relevant articles remained; 14 primary papers (27%) and 37 secondary papers (73%). Of the primary papers, 5 (36%) papers applied the IDEAL framework to their research correctly; two were aligned to the pre-IDEAL stage, one to the Idea and Development stages, and two to the Exploration stage. Of the secondary papers, 21 (57%) explicitly discussed the IDEAL framework. Eighteen (86%) of these were supportive of implementing the framework, while one was not, and two were neutral. Conclusion The adoption of the IDEAL framework in neurosurgery has been slow, particularly for early-stage neurosurgical techniques and inventions. However, the largely positive reviews in secondary literature suggest potential for increased use that may be achieved with education and publicity. Show less
Surveys show that zoo-housed great apes occasionally interact with local wildlife. Bonobos and chimpanzees interact aggressively with and sometimes consume wildlife. Gorillas may also interact with... Show moreSurveys show that zoo-housed great apes occasionally interact with local wildlife. Bonobos and chimpanzees interact aggressively with and sometimes consume wildlife. Gorillas may also interact with local wildlife, but less often in an aggressive way and consumption was rare. Here we report the case of an adolescent female western lowland gorilla in Apenheul Primate Park (Apeldoorn, The Netherlands) that persistently catches and handles ducklings. Prior to observation we proposed four possible explanations, which are not mutually exclusive: play, meat eating, need for abnormal plucking, and allomothering. We saw the female catch ducklings at eight occasions (9 ducklings in total) and she handled ducklings (at least 19) on ten out of 17 observation days. Ad libitum observations showed that the female spent much time plucking the feathers of the duckling, handling it carefully. In addition, she regularly placed a duckling on her back during locomotion. Eating of a carcass was not observed and playing with a carcass was very rare. Based on these observations, we propose that not meat eating and play, but allomothering and abnormal plucking may explain this idiosyncratic behavior. This female probably invented the behavior herself. Show less
The aim of this study is to investigate how regional government matters in designing ‘context-specific’ regional innovation policy. To that end, the study develops a Public Administration... Show moreThe aim of this study is to investigate how regional government matters in designing ‘context-specific’ regional innovation policy. To that end, the study develops a Public Administration framework to conceptualise the different roles theoretically and applies this framework to capture these roles empirically in six European regions. The study employs a descriptive, multiple-case study research method comparing six regions, three German and three British regions. Qualitative data have been gathered from an existing dataset through archival records research and documentation analysis. The assumption that regions endowed with regional autonomy are better at contextualized policy design is not confirmed in this study. Instead, among the six case studies a great variety of regional government roles was found irrespective of government system type, and all regions engaged in multiple roles throughout the policy process to succeed at designing their ‘context-specific’ regional innovation policy. Understanding how ‘context-specific’ regional innovation policy comes about requires a differentiated conceptualisation of the role of regional government. This is the overall conclusion of the study. The study generates new insights about ‘context-specific’ regional innovation policy and makes an important contribution to better understanding the role of regional government as a policy-making actor to develop such a policy. Show less
In this thesis the subject of our investigation is the use of the first legal copy of the notarised reporting deed (“de notariële proces-verbaalakte”) as enforceable verdict in the civil... Show moreIn this thesis the subject of our investigation is the use of the first legal copy of the notarised reporting deed (“de notariële proces-verbaalakte”) as enforceable verdict in the civil proceedings before a private court (arbitration or a binding third-party ruling) under Dutch law. Show less
Care for older persons is changing. A new primary health care concept is called ‘person-centred, integrated care’ involving changing roles for General Practitioners (GPs) and other... Show moreCare for older persons is changing. A new primary health care concept is called ‘person-centred, integrated care’ involving changing roles for General Practitioners (GPs) and other professionals. The inclusion of the personal values of the patients in the changing care is essential but vulnerable. This thesis links the process of innovating care and the values of the older persons involved, by studying patient satisfaction as an expression of personal value in two care innovation and implementation projects. Key findings are: The level of patient satisfaction is related to complexity of health problems and is related more to the care organization than to the condition of the patient. Modifiable communicative aspects of GP behavior are related to patient satisfaction. Patients and GPs, show different satisfaction about aspects of care reflecting different values. In a real-life implementation strategy, patient satisfaction and engagement is feasible and valuable. Conclusions are that patient satisfaction can be used in innovating care but must be interpreted with caution. Also older patients need a role in the implementation process in order to assure that their values are expressed in the care innovation. A combination of individual shared decision making, satisfaction investigation and procedural engagement is proposed. Show less