Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Weighing poor immunometabolic health in relatives for severity of affective symptoms
There is no such thing as a validated prediction model
Clusterwise Independent Component Analysis (C-ICA)
Changes in perspective
Poincare model shows how heterogeneity in light sensitivity can alter circadian clock function
Childhood trauma and its impact on depressive and anxiety symptomatology in adulthood
Genetic and environmental factors determining heterogeneity in preservation stress resistance of Aspergillus niger conidia
Scientific and clinical implications of genetic and cellular heterogeneity in uveal melanoma
Involvement of mutant and wild-type CYSLTR2 in the development and progression of uveal nevi and melanoma
Depression profilers and immuno-metabolic dysregulation
The integration of meta-analysis and classification & regression trees: meta-CART
Calibration: the Achilles heel of predictive analytics
Computational modelling of energy balance in individuals with Metabolic Syndrome
Morphogenesis and heterogeneity in liquid-grown streptomyces cultures
BMP-SMAD signalling output is highly regionalized in cardiovascular and lymphatic endothelial networks
Unmet needs and challenges in gastric cancer: The way forward
Search for new breast cancer susceptibility genes