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Unending variety
Epigraphy, archaeology, and our Uuderstanding of the Mycenaean world
Loading receipt for grain, issued by an ἐπιμελητὴς σίτου Ἀλεξανδρείας
The Early Islamic Empire’s policy of multilingual governance
Two papyrus fragments from Soknopaiou Nesos mentioning prefects of Egypt
Sharecropping Lease from the Arsinoite Nome (P. Vindob. G 26584; sixth/early seventh century)
Wage Receipt from Herakleopolis (?) (P. Vindob. G 26628; fifth/sixth century)
Review of [The Undertakers of the Great Oasis (P. Nekr.)] by [R.S. Bagnall]
Temple oaths in Ptolemaic Egypt : a study at the crossroads of law, ethics and religion
Review of [The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, LXXXI (Nos 5258–5289)] by [J. H. Brusuelas & C. Meccariello]
Beginning of a letter of the acting prefect Mussius Aemilianus
Review of Salomons, R.P. (2014) P. Cair. Preis. 2
Stang's law in Baltic, Greek and Indo-Iranian
In Situ: Lees eens een papyrus – op internet!
Letter on an Ostracon
On the nature of preverbal focus in Greek : a theoretical and experimental approach
Transformations in the Septuagint : towards an interaction of Septuagint studies and translation studies