Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Merchants, missionaries & migrants: 300 years of Dutch-Ghanaian relations
The impact of the Cordaid-supported BASF project in Balungu (unpublished)
The end of an era: the Ghanaian elections of December 2000
The impact of the ICCO-supported PAS project in Tambalug (unpublished)
Dapper maar zeer brutaal: de Afrikaanse soldaten in het Nederlands-Indisch leger
Religion, reciprocity and restructuring family responsibility in the Ghanaian Pentecostal diaspora
Van Nkrumah naar NEPAD
Merchants, missionaries & migrants: an introduction
The impact of the ICCO-supported PAS project in Kugsabile Upper East Ghana (unpublished)
Ghanaian churches in the Netherlands: religion mediating a tense relationship
The black Dutchmen: African soldiers in the Netherlands East Indies