Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Hubble Space Telescope and Hyper-Suprime-Cam weak-lensing study of the equal-mass dissociative merger CIZA J0107.7+5408
The NuSTAR and Chandra view of CL 0217+70 and Its tell-tale radio halo
LoTSS Jellyfish Galaxies. IV. Enhanced star formation on the leading half of cluster galaxies and gas compression in IC3949
High-resolution, high-sensitivity, low-frequency uGMRT view of coma cluster of galaxies
Deep low-frequency radio observations of A2256. I. The filamentary radio relic
Discovery of a radio halo (and relic) in a M_500 < 2x10^14 M sun cluster
Raining in MKW 3 s
Catalog of one-side head-tail galaxies in the FIRST Survey
Chandra observations of the Planck Early Sunyaev-Zeldovich sample
Exemplary merging clusters
Radio emission from merging galaxy clusters : characterizing shocks, magnetic fields and particle acceleration