Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Blood flow dynamics in the total cavopulmonary connection long-term after Fontan completion
Transcatheter aortic valve-in-valve implantation in right ventricle-aorta conduit in an adult patient with Fontan circulation
Haemodynamics in children with a Fontan circulation
Genetic variant in the BRAF gene compatible with Noonan spectrum disorders in an adult Fontan patient with refractory protein losing enteropathy
Case report of the broad spectrum of late complications in an adult patient with univentricular physiology palliated by the Fontan circulation
Does functional health status predict health-related quality of life in children after Fontan operation?
The effect of exercise training on cardiac remodelling in children and young adults with corrected tetralogy of Fallot or Fontan circulation: A randomized controlled trial
Systematic review of the effects of physical exercise training programmes in children and young adults with congenital heart disease