Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Mapping isometry and length changes in ligament reconstructions of the knee
Anatomic is better than isometric posterior cruciate ligament tunnel placement based upon in vivo simulation
A fluoroscopy-based planning and guidance software tool for minimally invasive hip refixation by cement injection
Pinning down loosened prostheses : imaging and planning of percutaneous hip refixation
Model-based shape matching of orthopaedic implants in RSA and fluoroscopy
The quality of bone surfaces may govern the use of model based fluoroscopy in the determination of joint laxity
Kinematics of a highly congruent mobile-bearing total knee prosthesis
Kinematics and early migration in single-radius mobile- and fixed-bearing total knee prostheses
No differences in in vivo kinematics between six different types of knee prostheses
The sense or nonsense of mobile-bearing total knee prostheses
Objective clinical performance outcome of total knee prostheses. A study of mobile bearing knees using fluoroscopy, electromyography and roentgenstereophotogrammetry