This book contains two main messages. First, an attempt is made to explain the diverse beneficial findings on cognition and mental health in the literature of meditation practices by the factor of... Show moreThis book contains two main messages. First, an attempt is made to explain the diverse beneficial findings on cognition and mental health in the literature of meditation practices by the factor of breathing. In the respiratory vagal nerve stimulation model of contemplative practices (rVNS) specific respiratory patterns lead to changes in autonomic nervous system functioning that in turn produce changes in the central nervous system, which can be observed in a healthier cognitive and emotional balance. Second, there are two empirical chapters that show null-results on cognition with meditative movement (Tai Chi Chuan) and breathing interventions. The possible reasons for these lack of results are extensively discussed in this dissertation and put into a wider perspective within the scientific field. Show less
This dissertation examined the associations between parenting processes, childcare experiences, contextual factors (ethnicity, socioeconomic status [SES]) and preschool children’s... Show moreThis dissertation examined the associations between parenting processes, childcare experiences, contextual factors (ethnicity, socioeconomic status [SES]) and preschool children’s socioemotional adjustment and cognitive development in Chile. After the general introduction in Chapter 1, Chapter 2 gives a historical review of child-rearing and education in Chile. Chapter 3 showed that the quality of the home environment predicted children’s receptive and expressive vocabulary after taking ethnicity, SES, and parental caregiver status into account. Furthermore, it was found that the quality of the home environment mediated the relation between SES and receptive and expressive vocabulary, which is in agreement with the Family Investment Model. Chapter 4 revealed that maternal supportive discipline both predicted school readiness and mediated the relation between SES and school readiness, in accordance with the Family Stress Model. Chapter 5 demonstrated that the quality of the home environment and child executive functions were positively associated with language ability, and that quantity of childcare was inversely related to language ability. No predictors of socioemotional adjustment emerged. The average quality of preschools was inadequate and did not predict child outcomes. Chapter 6 integrates the findings of this dissertation discussing theoretical implications, limitations, directions for future research, and implications for policy and practice. Show less
In this thesis, we aimed to investigate the role of cognitive flexibility in children’s potential for learning, assessed under dynamic testing conditions. In early dynamic testing literature,... Show moreIn this thesis, we aimed to investigate the role of cognitive flexibility in children’s potential for learning, assessed under dynamic testing conditions. In early dynamic testing literature, a flexibile use of information is essential in children’s ability to learn from instruction, and in bridging the gap between taught skills and new, but related task demands. We hoped to increase our understanding of the cognitive processes involved in children’s potential for learning and in the ability to transfer that which has been learned to new tasks and situations in a flexible way. In doing so, we aimed to provide suggestions for creating a better match between children’s individual pattern of abilities and the way they are taught. Show less
Koini, M.; Rombouts, S.A.R.B.; Veer, I.M.; Buchem, M.A. van; Huijbregts, S.C.J. 2017
1887/26495 The current study extended research on working memory, attention shifting, and inhibitory control problems -indicated as executive functions (EF) - that may play a role in acquiring... Show more1887/26495 The current study extended research on working memory, attention shifting, and inhibitory control problems -indicated as executive functions (EF) - that may play a role in acquiring early literacy and numeracy skills. Four research questions were targeted: 1. Do EF skills interfere with benefiting from informal experiences that are known to stimulate early literacy development? 2. Do EF skills, beyond other basic learning skills such as visual-spatial development, explain why early literacy and early numeracy co-vary substantially? 3. Are EF skills causally related to early developing academic skills in the age range from preschool through first grade? 4. Can delays in EF skills play an important role in the development of severe delays in math development? Outcomes revealed that EF skills in preschool-age were not related to academic outcomes in Grade 1, and they only moderately predicted emerging academic skills in preschool. Changes in EF skills however do relate to changes in academic skills, which implies that EF is causally related to academic development. Compared to effects of EF, early academic and visual-spatial skills were much stronger predictors of early academic development. EF skills thus seem less vital for explaining delays in early academic skills than is commonly assumed. Show less
Depressie en angststoornissen zijn veel voorkomende psychiatrische stoornissen die een hoge __comorbiditeit__ vertonen, d.w.z. pati_nten lijden zeer veelvuldig tegelijkertijd aan deze stoornissen.... Show moreDepressie en angststoornissen zijn veel voorkomende psychiatrische stoornissen die een hoge __comorbiditeit__ vertonen, d.w.z. pati_nten lijden zeer veelvuldig tegelijkertijd aan deze stoornissen. Mede hierdoor is voorgesteld dat de stoornissen neurobiologische overlap vertonen. Welke abnormaliteiten in het brein gedeeeld worden bij angst en depressie, is tot op heden nooit goed onderzocht. De bevindingen in dit proefschrift ondersteunen de gedachte dat depressie en angst gekenmerkt worden door gedeelde afwijkingen in zowel hersenfunctie als in structuur. Tegelijkertijd werden stoornis-specifieke afwijkingen vastgesteld. Onze bevindingen kunnen deels de hoge comorbiditeit tussen angst en depressie verklaren. Ook geven de resultaten aanwijzingen voor een kwetsbaarheid die kan verklaren dat mensen terugvallen in een nieuwe episode. Verder suggereren de resultaten dat in mensen met comorbide depressie en angst, niet de depressie, maar de angststoornis de primaire pathologie is. Tenslotte toonden we aan dat persoonlijkheidsfactoren en het meemaken van emotionele jeugdmishandeling samenhangen met volume van een aantal emotiegerelateerde structuren in het brein. Deze samenhang kan verklaren waarom mensen met jeugdtrauma_s, of een bepaalde persoonlijkheidsstructuur, meer of minder kans hebben om een affectieve stoornis te ontwikkelen. Dit is de eerste studie waarin zowel de hersenfunctie als __structuur is onderzocht in een grote groep pati_nten met depressie en/of angststoornissen. Show less