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Anterior-posterior axis formation in Xenopus laevis
Developmental care and very preterm infants : neonatal, neurological, growth and developmental outcomes
Developmental morphological diversity in caecilian amphibians: systematic and evolutionary implications
Developmental regulation and evolution of cAMP signalling in Dictyostelium
Early life experience : neuroendocrine adaptations to maternal absence
The function of mitogen activated protein kinases in zebrafish development
Internationale Wachstumsstrategien produzierender Familienunternehmen durch Mergers & Acquisitions
Making Poverty History? Unequal Development Today
Masterclass Politiek 2015: ontwikkelingssamenwerking
Goals set for the Poor, Goalposts set by the Rich
Van projecthulp naar sectorsteun. Evaluatie van de sectorale benadering 1998-2005
Participatory evaluation of development interventions in a vulnerable environment
Novel ligands for the human adenosine A1 receptor
Follow up assessment of very preterm infants at five years of age
PIE Workshop May 2005: experiences with capacity development
From output to outcome? 25 years of IOB evaluations
Ontwikkeling en milieu: een 'glocaliserend' spanningsveld?
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