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(221 - 233 of 233)


Two-year course of depressive and anxiety disorders: Results from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety (NESDA)
Co-occurring manic symptomatology influences HPA axis alterations in depression
Symptom dimensions of depression and anxiety and the metabolic syndrome
Cognitive vulnerability to depression : genetic and environmental influences
Emotional processing as a predictor of symptom change: An acute tryptophan depletion study in depressed patients
Determinants of serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Towards an improvement of the differentiation of depressive disorders. A multidimensional approach
Binge or control? : assessment of the validity, treatment and underlying mechanisms of Binge Eating Disorder
Well-being and headache in adolescence : A self-regulation perspective
To fail or not to fail : clinical trials in depression
Manipulating serotonin function in depression
Somatoform disorders in general practice.
Psychopathologie, over oorzaak en verwijt gesproken
