The new connectivity, through mobile phones, social media, and wireless internet, is an agent in social change in the drylands. In this chapter, we present four case studies: the introduction of... Show moreThe new connectivity, through mobile phones, social media, and wireless internet, is an agent in social change in the drylands. In this chapter, we present four case studies: the introduction of mobile apps in Mongolia and Kenya, the role of mobile telephony in the Sahel, and the introduction of online learning in the Negev Desert. Each of these case studies develops an argument around the role of connectivity in ‘giving a voice’ to the people living in drylands. Indeed, as the studies show, the new technology of communication is a resource for such populations, especially when we focus on the benefits of improved communication and access to information. However, the effective use of such a resource is hampered by the lack of knowledge of dryland dynamics among the developers of the new technology and by the imposed power relations of the State. Also, the technology may follow its own pathway, being appropriated by the population in unexpected ways and creating new power relations that may also lead to conflict. Show less
The locus coeruleus (LC) is a nucleus in the brainstem, and projects widely to the forebrain where it releases norepinephrine (NE). Catecholamines such as NE do not have a unitary effect on their... Show moreThe locus coeruleus (LC) is a nucleus in the brainstem, and projects widely to the forebrain where it releases norepinephrine (NE). Catecholamines such as NE do not have a unitary effect on their target neurons, but instead influence the function of other neurotransmitters, a process that is known known as neuromodulation. By virtue of the LC’s wide projection profile and the neuromodulatory properties of NE, the LC-NE system profoundly influences neural firing characteristics and associated cognitive processes. The work presented in this thesis addresses the role of the LC-NE system in various aspects of human cognition, and the modulation of brain state. Show less
In this paper I peruse a specific cinematic example of an uncertain-image, i.e.that of the film Creative Control (Dickinson 2016). My interest in this film lies not,or at least not per se, or not... Show moreIn this paper I peruse a specific cinematic example of an uncertain-image, i.e.that of the film Creative Control (Dickinson 2016). My interest in this film lies not,or at least not per se, or not solely, in its representationalism, but rather in itscapturing of various kinds of uncertainty, to which I will here attend bysituating the film against the backdrop of three different, yet interrelated,problematics related to the ubiquitous presence of digital imagingtechnologies: i.e., first, the concerns over digital or immaterial labour and theloss of eros; second, the use of contemporary cinematics (and thesuperimposition effect in particular) to address these and other issues relatedto living in ‘information-intensive mixed-reality environments;’ and third, thefilm’s own suggestive counter-image, which is that of the characters’ partlydefection, and, arguably, that of the image’s own withdrawal from the world. Show less
Adolescence is often characterized as a period of increased risk taking and impulsive behavior. Researchers have constructed brain-based models to explain the higher prevalence of risk taking... Show moreAdolescence is often characterized as a period of increased risk taking and impulsive behavior. Researchers have constructed brain-based models to explain the higher prevalence of risk taking during adolescence. It has been hypothesized that brain regions for cognitive control develop relatively slow compared to 'affective' brain regions. An imbalance between the maturity of these brain regions is thought to underlie the increased incidence of risk taking during adolescence. However, results on functional brain development remain contradictory and few studies have investigated the assumptions of imbalance models in large-scale longitudinal studies. In this PhD thesis both cognitive and affective aspects of development were investigated using a combination of functional and structural MRI data, hormonal measures and behavioral assessments, capturing the whole range of adolescence in a large sample of children, adolescents and adults between 8 and 27 years old. The results indicated that, contrary to predictions from imbalance models, brain regions for cognitive control could be recruited even by young children and adolescents, but in different situations than adults. The results have implications for the construction of new theoretical frameworks and may eventually contribute to educational interventions that are better tailored to both the challenges and possibilities of the adolescent brain. Show less
Bos, D.J.; Raalten, T.R. van; Oranje, B.; Smits, A.R.; Kobussen, N.A.; Belle, J. van; ... ; Durston, S. 2014
Depressie en angststoornissen zijn veel voorkomende psychiatrische stoornissen die een hoge __comorbiditeit__ vertonen, d.w.z. pati_nten lijden zeer veelvuldig tegelijkertijd aan deze stoornissen.... Show moreDepressie en angststoornissen zijn veel voorkomende psychiatrische stoornissen die een hoge __comorbiditeit__ vertonen, d.w.z. pati_nten lijden zeer veelvuldig tegelijkertijd aan deze stoornissen. Mede hierdoor is voorgesteld dat de stoornissen neurobiologische overlap vertonen. Welke abnormaliteiten in het brein gedeeeld worden bij angst en depressie, is tot op heden nooit goed onderzocht. De bevindingen in dit proefschrift ondersteunen de gedachte dat depressie en angst gekenmerkt worden door gedeelde afwijkingen in zowel hersenfunctie als in structuur. Tegelijkertijd werden stoornis-specifieke afwijkingen vastgesteld. Onze bevindingen kunnen deels de hoge comorbiditeit tussen angst en depressie verklaren. Ook geven de resultaten aanwijzingen voor een kwetsbaarheid die kan verklaren dat mensen terugvallen in een nieuwe episode. Verder suggereren de resultaten dat in mensen met comorbide depressie en angst, niet de depressie, maar de angststoornis de primaire pathologie is. Tenslotte toonden we aan dat persoonlijkheidsfactoren en het meemaken van emotionele jeugdmishandeling samenhangen met volume van een aantal emotiegerelateerde structuren in het brein. Deze samenhang kan verklaren waarom mensen met jeugdtrauma_s, of een bepaalde persoonlijkheidsstructuur, meer of minder kans hebben om een affectieve stoornis te ontwikkelen. Dit is de eerste studie waarin zowel de hersenfunctie als __structuur is onderzocht in een grote groep pati_nten met depressie en/of angststoornissen. Show less