Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Depression, cardiometabolic disease, and their co-occurrence after childhood maltreatment
General psychopathology factor and unresolved-disorganized attachment uniquely correlated to white matter integrity using diffusion tensor imaging
General psychopathology factor and unresolved-disorganized attachment uniquely correlated to white matter integrity using diffusion tensor imaging
Naughty or clumsy? Negative parental attributions in the context of child abuse risk
Child maltreatment in Vietnam : prevalence, risk factors, and consequences
The role of negative parental attributions in the associations between daily stressors, maltreatment history, and harsh and abusive discipline
Future parents: Childhood experiences, oxytocin and emotion recognition skills
Treatment effects on insular and anterior cingulate cortex activation during classic and emotional Stroop interference in child abuse-related complex post-traumatic stress disorder
It should not hurt to be a child : prevalence of child maltreatment across the globe