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Adherence to the 2015 Dutch dietary guidelines and risk of non-communicable diseases and mortality in the Rotterdam Study
Human heart disease: lessons from human pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes
Greased lighting : implications of circadian lipid metabolism for cardiometabolic health
Chronic use of low-dose aspirin is not associated with lower bone mineral density in the general population
Association of metabolic syndrome and electrocardiographic markers of subclinical cardiovascular disease
Emerging roles for RNA-binding proteins as effectors and regulators of cardiovascular disease
Pathophysiology and treatment of atherosclerosis Current view and future perspective on lipoprotein modification treatment
Migraine and cardiovascular disease in women
Less increase of CT-based calcium scores of the coronary arteries
HDL functionality in South Asians as compared to white Caucasians
Fasting is not routinely required for determination of a lipid profile: clinical and laboratory implications including flagging at desirable concentration cut-points-a joint consensus statement from the European Atherosclerosis Society and European Federa
Secondary cardiovascular prevention in old age
Repeatability of in vivo quantification of atherosclerotic carotid artery plaque components by supervised multispectral classification
Circulating cells as biomarkers in cardiovascular disease : the difference between men and women
Membrane-bound Klotho is not expressed endogenously in healthy or uraemic human vascular tissue
Stress-induced modulation of the innate immune system in cardiovascular disease
Measuring senescence in human populations
New perspectives on cardiovascular risk prediction in old age
