Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Enhancing epicardial EMT to repair the heart
The epicardium as a source of multipotent adult cardiac progenitor cells: Their origin, role and fate
The developing heartbeat: tracing and characterization of the developing cardiac conduction system
Outflow tract septation and the aortic arch system in reptiles: lessons for understanding the mammalian heart
Outflow tract septation and the aortic arch system in reptiles: lessons for understanding the mammalian heart
Human fetal and adult epicardial-derived cells: a novel model to study their activation
The epicardium as modulator of the cardiac autonomic response during early development
Cardiac endothelial cells express Wilms' tumor-1 Wt1 expression in the developing, adult and infarcted heart
Noonan and LEOPARD syndrome in zebrafish : molecular mechanisms and cardiac development
Embryology of the heart and its impact on understanding fetal and neonatal heart disease
The arterial and cardiac epicardium in development, disease and repair
Normal and abnormal development of the cardiac conduction system; implications for conduction and rhythm disorders in the child and adult
Cardiac development : the posterior heart field and atrioventricular reentry tachycardia
Development of the cardiac conduction system and cardiac anatomy in relation to genesis and treatment of arrhythmias
Influence of blood flow on shear stress responsive genes in the development of cardiac malformations : The involvement of the endothelin-1 pathway