Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Effects of solriamfetol on on-the-road driving in participants with narcolepsy
Effects of solriamfetol on on-the-road driving in participants with narcolepsy
PhP.B enhanced adeno-associated virus mediated-expression following systemic delivery or direct brain administration
Systems pharmacokinetic models to the prediction of local CNS drug concentrations in human
Revealing the Neuroendocrine Response After Remoxipride Treatment Using Multi-Biomarker Discovery and Quantifying It by PK/PD Modeling
Revealing the Neuroendocrine Response After Remoxipride Treatment Using Multi-Biomarker Discovery and Quantifying It by PK/PD Modeling
Wnt Signaling through the Ror Receptor in the Nervous System
A comparison of the central nervous system effects of alcohol at pseudo-steady state in Caucasian and expatriate Japanese healthy male volunteers
Functional biomarkers for the acute effects of alcohol on the central nervous system in healthy volunteers
Biomarkers in early phase development of central nervous system drugs: a conceptual framework
Cellular therapy after spinal cord injury using neural progenitor cells
Neuroprotection by the endogenous cannabinoid anandamide and arvanil against in vivo excitotoxicity in the rat: Role of vanilloid receptors and lipoxygenases