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Recent Technical Developments in ASL: A Review of the State of the Art
Long-term effects of stimulant exposure on cerebral blood flow response to methylphenidate and behavior in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Long-term effects of stimulant exposure on cerebral blood flow response to methylphenidate and behavior in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Long-term effects of stimulant exposure on cerebral blood flow response to methylphenidate and behavior in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
Decreased cerebral perfusion in Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients
Time-efficient measurement of multi-phase arterial spin labeling MR signal in white matter
Blood pressure in old age : exploring the relation with the structure, function and hemodynamics of the brain
Effects of background suppression on the sensitivity of dual-echo arterial spin labeling MRI for BOLD and CBF signal changes
Accuracy and precision of pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling perfusion during baseline and hypercapnia: A head-to-head comparison with O-15 H2O positron emission tomography
Physiologic underpinnings of negative BOLD cerebrovascular reactivity in brain ventricles
Relationships Between Hypercarbic Reactivity, Cerebral Blood Flow, and Arterial Circulation Times in Patients With Moyamoya Disease