Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Imitation as flattery
Writing for ‘Brexiternity’?
Horizon Europe
Brexit and Europe’s political economy
De Handels- en samenwerkingsovereenkomst tussen de EU en het VK
The end of free movement after Brexit
Governance and dispute settlement in the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol
Brexit and the 'Great British Trade-Off'
De handels- en samenwerkingsovereenkomst tussen de EU en het VK
Order, Order! Vijf misverstanden rond Brexit
Brexit, the EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement, and global treaty (re-)negotiations
EU external relations law and Brexit
The knowledge behind Brexit. A bibliographic analysis of ex-ante policy appraisals on Brexit in the United Kingdom and the European Union
Brexit en het gevaar van EU-onvermijdelijkheid
Brexit Blues
Free Movement of Persons in the EU v. in the EEA: Of Effect-Related Homogeneity and a Reversed Polydor Principle
The New Transatlantic Trigonometry: Brexit and Europe’s Treaty Relations with the United States
Νοσταλγικός εθνικισμός και ρητορική εξόδου, η περίπτωση της βρετανικής ριζοσπαστικής δεξιάς
Streitbeilegung im Entwurf für den Brexit-Austrittsvertrag. Ein Schiedsgerichtsmodell ähnlich wie für das institutionelle Rahmenabkommen Schweiz-EU
The EU’s Global Strategy, Brexit and ‘America First’
