Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Mental health outcomes in older breast cancer survivors
Gene expression signatures in older patients with breast cancer: a systematic review
Refining individualized medicine in older patients with breast cancer
Breast cancer mortality of older patients with and without recurrence analysed by novel multi-state models
Discontinuation of adjuvant endocrine therapy and impact on quality of life and functional status in older patients with breast cancer
Differences in treatment and survival of older patients with operable breast cancer between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
Differences in treatment and survival of older patients with operable breast cancer between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands
Effectiveness of radiotherapy after breast-conserving surgery in older patients with T1-2N0 breast cancer
Treatment of older patients with breast cancer : improving the evidence
Contralateral breast cancer risk in relation to tumor morphology and age-in which patients is preoperative MRI justified?
Survival of older patients with metastasised breast cancer lags behind despite evolving treatment strategies - A population-based study
Choosing relevant endpoints for older breast cancer patients in clinical trials: an overview of all current clinical trials on breast cancer treatment