Leiden University Scholarly Publications

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Finding a positive me
A systematic scoping review of dissociation in borderline personality disorder and implications for research and clinical practice: Exploring the fog
Stuck in a negative me
Knowing me, knowing you: On the troubles of not knowing who you are and how to relate to others - in general and in people with borderline personality disorder specifically
Reduced amygdala reactivity and impaired working memory during dissociation in borderline personality disorder
Emotion avoidance and fear bradycardia in patients with borderline personality disorder and healthy controls
Emotion avoidance and fear bradycardia in patients with borderline personality disorder and healthy controls
Disconnected self: influence of dissociation on emotional distractibility in Borderline Personality Disorder: a neuroimaging approach
Borderline personality features in depressed or anxious patients
Trauma and Dissociation: Implications for Borderline Personality Disorder
Recurrent suicide attempts in patients with depressive and anxiety disorders: The role of borderline personality traits
Influence of emotional distraction on working memory performance in borderline personality disorder